The LTD Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with LTD
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 months, 1 week ago

LTD 1/48 CAC Boomerang

The origins of the Boomerang can be traced in late 1941, when Lawrence Wackett, manager and chief designer of Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) examined the possibility of designing and building a new fighter aircraft, a first for [...]

PZL 11c by LTD Models

Greetings to all iModeler colleagues/friends. My latest kit is another Ltd Models kit - the PZL P.11c in 161 Squadron markings. This plane was on detached service to the Border Protection Corps (Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza - KOP) in 1939. [...]

Finnish Lagg-3 by LTD Models

Greetings iModeler compadres. My latest project is a captured Soviet Lagg-3. The model kit is by the limited run LTD Models, who were a subsidiary of the old mail order-retail powerhouse Squadron Shop. The model was made in the Czech [...]

LaGG-ing behind-the theme lurches on….LTD version..

Before ICM there was the only ballgame in town, LTD Model's limited-run 1/48 LaGG. At least it is actually 1/48, I have heard the ICM is a tad underscale. The size difference is noticeable. As mentioned, I reaLLy likE LaGGs so I tried my [...]