The M151 Database at iModeler

9 articles
  • Items tagged with M151
  • 9 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 9 months ago

M-151A2 marines

The old tamiya again in an another version AK colours

M-151A2 Tow missle

The old tamiya kit. Good fitting but to small for me! hehe Painted with AK colours for a good friend who already put it in his case at home. Varinsh Winsor & Newton Thank you for watching. Have a nice day from Thessaloniki Greece

Hello & 1/35 Armor

Hello All, this is my first article here. I'm a longtime lurker and finally joined about a month ago. Greg Fabian's P-51B Shangri-La made me jump in. For a short bio please click on my name if you wanna know me a little better. This site [...]

Tamiya, IDF M151 A2, TOW in 1/35 scale

Hi Guys here is my Tamiya, IDF M151 A2 Orev (TOW) in 1/35 scale. Aftermarket parts: Legend IDF Orev 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set Eduard 1/35 M-151A2 photo-etch colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig, Tamiya and AK. Have a great day!

Academy M-151A1 in 1/35

Hi Guys here is my Academy, M151 A1 in 1/35 scale. Aftermarket parts: Legend 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set Colors and weathering effects, by Ammo-Mig and Tamiya. Have a great day!

Academy, IDF M151 A2 in 1/35 scale

Hi Guys here is my Academy, IDF M151 A2 in 1/35 scale. Aftermarket parts: Legend 1377 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set Eduard 1/35 M-151A1 Shmira photo-etch 1/35 AEF Designs Israeli IDF M151 Shmira jeep resin conversion HTF CMK 1/35 M151 MUTT IDF [...]

1/35 M151A2 “jappas” in IDF service – professional pictures

hi, so finally my friend Eldad Kfir who is an professional photographer took some pictures of my "jappas" from this post> (link) hope you will enjoy

1/35 M151A2 “jappas” in IDF service during operation “peace for Galilee”, Lebanon 1982-1985

Finally finished, took almost a year with some pauses. It still needs bit of dust but I will add that once it is on base. Basic kit is Academy, wheels are from DEF models, some parts I used from Legends and CMKs sets, lights are from SKP [...]

BIG BANG for the BUCK!

In the spirit of building something completely different, I give you my interpretation of a Quick Reaction Vehicle. Started out with Tamiya's cool (and cheap) little (1/35) M151-A2 TOW missile carrier (and ended up with a bunch of cool TOW [...]