The MiG-21 Database at iModeler

71 articles
  • Items tagged with MiG-21
  • 71 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years, 7 months ago

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed

Review: Eduard 1/72 MIG-21MF review

MiG-21MF RomanianAF - Eduard - 1/72

Hello everyone Started 15 days ago (a kind of a record for me) it is completed now and I'm very happy sharing it with you guys. The kit it is superb, great detail and fit. There are some minor issues but nothing to scare an usual skill [...]

MiG-21MF ‘Fishbed-J’; Eduard 1:72

The iconic MiG-21 ‘Fishbed’ doesn’t need special introduction. This supersonic jet fighter/interceptor first flew more than 60 years ago, has served in over 60 countries all over the globe and during its career became such a synonym [...]

1/48 Eduard Mig-21 SMT/MT in Cold War Theme (USSR)

I built this Mig-21 about 2 years ago, maybe a bit longer. I apologize for the terrible photographs but they are the only pictures I have of this cool model and wanted to share. I actually sold this model on a well-known auction site so [...]

Revell Mig 21F-13

Hello modeling friends, another classic jet of the cold war era. A Mig 21 F-13 from eastern Germany. A simple, yet pleasant Revell German kit on 1/72 scale. This time, a good workout for the difficult finishing in natural metal. I used [...]

IMC 1/72 Mig-21D “all weather fighter”

This is another model that's older than most of you. The Mig 21D is one of the IMC "Battle Damaged Series", which you could build "stock" or as a "battle scarred veteran". It included parts for both, [...]

Zvezda MiG-21bis (1:72)

Hi I would like to introduce myself with this model. This is a Zvezda kit. Paints are Gunze the decals are from kit. I used a PE set from Eduard.I hope you like it.

Once upon a time, there was a Hungarian Air Force…

After (the so-called) communism ended, so many things changed here, in East/Central Europe...for example the various national armies and forces' attitudes towards a possible war and in addition with that change there happened a re-thinking [...]

MiG-21MF 'Fishbed-J'

I don’t do a lot of commission builds so this is more of an exception. A flight-simming friend did me a lot of favors in the last few months for which I am very grateful. And he’s a big MiG-21 fan so one thing led to another and I [...]

MiG-21 CZ “4175”

Dear Friends, enclosed one of my latest work - a big thanks to the Kitchecker Team for contributing my building-report within their latest issue: (link)