The Mustang Database at iModeler

403 articles
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North American P-51 Mustang fighter

Tamiya 1/48 P-51D "Louisiana Heatwave"

Tamiya kit Eduard PE detail set Aeromaster decals I've wanted to do this scheme for two years now ever since I saw this decal sheet online. I lived in Louisiana for 6 years, got married there and my two girls were born there so this had a [...]

Oldies but Goodies

Here are some of my builds from 2013-15 era before we left Louisiana and moved to Minnesota. Sadly none of these build made it on the trek North and were either sold or given away. The kits pictured are as I recall: 1/350 Hobbyboss USS [...]

MARY NELL – Uncle Harold’s Checkertail P-51 D Mustang

When I was growing up, my Uncle Harold Taylor was a really big deal to the younger cousins. Not just because he'd been a fighter pilot in World War II and a POW, but because his P-51D Mustang - named for our mother's cousin our Aunt Mary [...]

ICM 1/48 P-51 Mustang: Nightmare NMF Project

This project took the joy out of model building which isn't good for my 6th build. The ICM kit was subpar by every standard. The instructions didn't include the paint scheme or decal layout for the box art version which is what I built. [...]

1:48 Eduard P-51 Mustang & FW-190 Dogfight Diorama

Prior to the whole pandemic kerfuffle I had an idea to build a dogfight diorama. I purchase the two Eduard Profi-PACK kits back in 2020 and promptly put them on the shelf until the time was right. After a little research I knew the Mustang [...]

Eduard 1/48 P-51D-5 Mustang "Nooky Booky II"

2nd kit of 2023- first time building an Eduard kit. Overall it was a mixed experience, detail was amazing inside and out but definitely a level of "fiddliness" that was frustrating. Some self inflicted wounds along the way as [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 F-6A Mustang

Everyone "knows" that the Mustang was the airplane designed and built in 120 days for the British because North American's Dutch Kindelberger didn't want to build Curtiss P-40s under license, and that the first Mustangs were a [...]

1/72 Arma Hobby P-51B Mustang. 3 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force. Fano, Italy 1945

Hi all. There's not much to say about this kit other than it was an enjoyable build. I've read a few articles and seen a few build/review videos and I don't know what the issue was were that folks found. This thing fell together with the [...]

P-51D 1:72 Tamiya from Pacific. Luzon 1945.

(link) What can you say about the Mustang model from Tamiya? A model from over twenty years ago, which I believe, defends itself very well today. After an exciting end of the year, I took up something simple and nice. Santa came out to [...]

A Pony with fangs! 'Tex' Hill's P-51b, Kunming, China, 1945

This is ICM's 1/48 P-51b (Tamiya knockoff) kit with bazooka's and bombs robbed from an Airfix P-51d kit, a home vacuformed canopy, detailed cockpit, brass belts, and a partially scratchbuilt wheel wells. Painted with Tamiya acrylics, [...]