The Mustang Database at iModeler

388 articles
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North American P-51 Mustang fighter

Eduard 1/48 P-51D-5 Mustang "Nooky Booky II"

2nd kit of 2023- first time building an Eduard kit. Overall it was a mixed experience, detail was amazing inside and out but definitely a level of "fiddliness" that was frustrating. Some self inflicted wounds along the way as [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 F-6A Mustang

Everyone "knows" that the Mustang was the airplane designed and built in 120 days for the British because North American's Dutch Kindelberger didn't want to build Curtiss P-40s under license, and that the first Mustangs were a [...]

1/72 Arma Hobby P-51B Mustang. 3 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force. Fano, Italy 1945

Hi all. There's not much to say about this kit other than it was an enjoyable build. I've read a few articles and seen a few build/review videos and I don't know what the issue was were that folks found. This thing fell together with the [...]

P-51D 1:72 Tamiya from Pacific. Luzon 1945.

(link) What can you say about the Mustang model from Tamiya? A model from over twenty years ago, which I believe, defends itself very well today. After an exciting end of the year, I took up something simple and nice. Santa came out to [...]

A Pony with fangs! 'Tex' Hill's P-51b, Kunming, China, 1945

This is ICM's 1/48 P-51b (Tamiya knockoff) kit with bazooka's and bombs robbed from an Airfix P-51d kit, a home vacuformed canopy, detailed cockpit, brass belts, and a partially scratchbuilt wheel wells. Painted with Tamiya acrylics, [...]

Revell 1/32 P-51D 5NA Mustang

Tamiya's counterpart is superior with respect to details, fit of parts and surface texture. Yet, Revell's economic option looks equally good when completed. I chose the olive drab overall finish to represent Lou IV and leave out any blue [...]

Christmas Day, 1944 ETO. Major George Preddy "Cripes-A-Mighty III" Revell 1/32 P-51D-5

Hello everyone. This build was done to pay respects to a man who gave his life on Christmas Day, 1944, in the name of freedom. His name was George Preddy, who was a Major in the US Army Air Corps. Tragically he was killed on this day [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Mustang completed.

This is the Tamiya Mustang P51B/C kit which I have just completed as a commission build, built from a photo the client had of the aircraft, which his father had flown at the end of the War. He wanted the aircraft to look suitably tired as [...]

Fez-day Night Live!Finishing the mustang Diorama and Starting the Spitfire diorama

live tonight at 1900 GMT/1400 EST: Fezday night live! Finishing the diorama for the Shelby Mustang, and Starting the Diorama for the PRU spitfire crash. with the usual gang, Starr, Sandy, Beth and Squiddy (link)

Video: 72nd scale revolution? NEW P-39Q Aircobra and P-51B Mustang Arma Hobby 1/72 scale kits

72nd scale revolution or not, New Arma Hobby kits are simply amazing, I bought kits at 20% discount price and they worth every cent. Brand New 1/72 P-39Q Aircobra and P-51B Mustang. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT! being paid to promote this kits and [...]