The P-35 Database at iModeler

9 articles
  • Items tagged with P-35
  • 9 articles
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  • Last addition 9 months ago

Seversky P-35

P-35 & its relation to te RE 2000

This was a nice little build from Special Hobby and it seemed appropriate after the RE 2000. These two airframes share a lot in common Steve

Seversky P-35

Here's my latest build from Dora Wings, their P-35 in 1:48 scale. It's a nice, well detailed kit, much nicer than the Academy P-35A/J-9s I built years ago. I won't go into the history of the P-35, but if you're interested see Tom [...]

Dora Wings 1/48 P-35

The Airplane: The P-35 was a military development of the Seversky SEV-3 three- seat amphibian, designed by Alexander Kartveli, Seversky's chief designer and was Alexander P. de Seversky's first aircraft. The SEV-3 flew in June 1933 and was [...]

RSAF J9 / P-35 1/48 Dora Wings

Dora Wings have done an excellent job capturing the overall shape of this plane, it's light years more accurate than the old Hobby Craft kit. The build is fairly labor intensive and test fitting of parts is a must as with all limited run [...]

1/48 Seversky P-35A.

This is the recent Wolfpack re-issue of the Hobbycraft kit. While it is old, the basic plastic is pretty nice with a few accuracy issues. I remember building the HC P-35 around 1995 and enjoying it, so I thought I’d give this one a go. [...]

"Yonder they come!" December 7 (8) 1941 Philippines

Built this little dio a couple years ago, in line with my lifelong interest in the Philippine fiasco of '41-'42. Tried to represent a mad scramble of the 34th Pursuit squadron at Del Carmen field on the Day of Infamy. The opening title is [...]

The only flying Seversky in the world

I noticed in comments on the P-36C that our Swedish friends haven't forgotten the P-35s their government once ordered that ended up in the Philippines (where one actually shot down a Zero on December 9, 1941). This is the two-seat trainer [...]

Seversky S2 Racer, Flown by Frank Fuller, 1939 Bendix Race

First, let me say that this is a classic example for the motto of my Club "I Know Where the Mistakes Are and I'm Not Going to Tell You Where They Are" second, this is the very old Hobbycraft 1/48 kit of the Seversky S2 Racer [...]

Chino’s Seversky

Like I said before, yesterday was far from perfect photography weather at Chino, but when there's something interesting on the ramp, haul out the camera and shoot. I haven't seen the Seversky outside in years. This is the 2-seat version [...]