The P-40 Database at iModeler

270 articles
  • Items tagged with P-40
  • 270 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 years, 10 months ago

Curtiss P-40 Warhawk (Kittyhawk)

Gotta keep up with the Seitz’s…1/48 P-40’s I got….

start with this'un, a 57th FG "Scorpion", a Hasegawa "K". I believe the pilot's name was Overcash, a successful Ace. Turns out this decal sheet I used was not entirely accurate, but the skull is still cool. This Sand [...]

P-40E Build complete, my apologies for getting toothy again.

Here is the final product! The completed subject of my P-40 build log in the WIP page. I've been in a toothy mood lately so I used Baracuda Cals representing Col. Scott's aircraft. It's finished with MM Acryls, "faded" with a [...]

Hasegawa 1:32 Scale, Curtiss P-40N “Warhawk”

I can't speak for all of us on here, but there is just something about the Curtiss P-40 that just make it one of my favorite aircraft. Does not matter which type, or which scheme, it just is what it is, a tough, hard nosed fighter [...]

1/48 Hasegawa P-40 “Turkish Kittyhawk Mk.1″

Here is my 1/48 Hasegawa P-40 Mk1 Kittyhawk with the markings of Turkish Air Force The seat with British sutton harness is from Ultracast . And instrument panel from Eduard PE set. The painting was done with Gunze Sangyo & Tamiya [...]

1:48 Hasegawa P-40K-5CU

Hey folks, my first post here. Kit is the 1:48 scale Hasegawa P-40K "Warhawk". Model is built pretty much out of the box with the exception of the resin wheels from True Details and the wire brake lines...not really OOB now is [...]

The wait is over for Bill Koppos’s Third-favorite model…..

of all far. I never said it had to be one of my best models, just a favorite. The P-40 happens to be my favorite airplane so it's appropriate. It is the first model since my return to the hobby I considered "pretty [...]

Hasagawa P-40E Build Log

My build log of Hasagawa's P-40E is now posted in the Groups Section, Works in Progress Page. Here's a teaser and feel free to ask any questions as I'm positive I've left some details out.

SO3E SEAHAWK 1/48th Czech Model

I started with a 1/48th scale Czech Model Curtiss SO3C Seamew S.O.B. (Straight Out of Box) then thought Hmmm What If... The Warhawk nose came from my own "Davis Monthan bone yard" Otaki Curtiss P-40-E Warhawk. I hacksawed off the [...]

AMT 1/48 P-40K

Since shark week continues here is my contribution. Since Tom Cleaver did an outstanding job explaining the details behind the K model I'll refer readers to his contribution. This is the old AMT kit to which I added some True Detail [...]

Another shark – 1/48 Hasegawa P-40K

The P-40K was a development from the P-40E, which continued use of the Allison V-1710 engine and appeared simultaneously with the P-40F, which used the Packard Merlin. The P-40K used the more powerful Allison V-1710-73 (F4R) engine, with [...]