The P-40N Database at iModeler

6 articles
  • Items tagged with P-40N
  • 6 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 weeks ago

Amtech 1/48 P-40N Warhawk Skull nose art

Among the attractive looking Warhawks that flew from Rangoon in 1944 with the 80th FG.

Hasegawa 1/48 P-40N Warhawk

Although painted in khaki, Geronimo was a an aircraft serving in the 45th Squadron of the 15th Group in the Nanumes Island.

Year In Review 2022

This wasn't one of my more productive years in terms of total output, which means I need to add a couple of years to my life expectancy if I'm going to complete my stash before I move on to a better world! I would have to mostly blame [...]

P-40M and P-40N, Italeri, AMT/Ertl

Greetings, fellow modelers. I added to my P-40 collection in order to include a Nationalist Chinese P-40N and an Australian P-40M; a salute to America's Pacific and Asian allies. Both planes are identical in the box, despite the different [...]

1/32 Hasegawa P-40N Warhawk “White 21”

Here's another tick on my bucket list of P-40Ns in 1/32 scale. This is 1/32 Hasegawa P-40N Warhawk with the markings of “White 21” from 74FS 23rd FG (Kweilin – China) flown by Capt Harlyn Vidovich in December 1943. Note that this [...]

Mystery Bird…1/48 Curtiss P-40N Warhawk, USAAF

Built over 6 years ago, Hasegawa kit Limited Edition, built oob except seatbelts, antenna wire and brake lines added. The model was painted with MM Metalizer Aluminium (1418). The orange-black nose trim is painted, kit decals used for the [...]