The P-47 Database at iModeler

263 articles
  • Items tagged with P-47
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  • Last addition 1 year, 1 month ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

Premium Hobbies 1/72 P-47D

Having seen these at Amazon for $15 I decided to try one. Did not know what to expect but what it turned out to be was an Academy rebox. Sure seems to be alot of that gong around these days. No mousetraps, above average detail, great [...]

Monogram 1/48 P-47D Razorback

This latest build falls into Tom Cleaver's "Build them or Bin them" category. Just one of those models you pic up at a show for $5, I mean what the hey, it's a decent kit and it's only five bucks. So I started this little gem [...]

Review: Halberd 1/48 conversion (for Tamiya) XP-72 "Ultrabolt"

In July 1941, Republic Aviation submitted two new designs, the AP-18 and the AP-19. The AP-18 was an interceptor fighter powered by the Wright R-2160 Tornado engine. The AP-19 was powered by the Pratt & Whitney Wasp X (R-4360). Both [...]

It's a HEMI!

Here’s my latest build, the Halberd XP-47H conversion. It’s an awesome conversion, the Halberd fuselage and Tamiya wings, spars, tailplanes, cockpit and canopy are all a perfect fit. The recent post by Tom Clever covers the history of [...]

My 2023 Builds

It has been a while since my last post so I figured I better get my wheels rolling again. A little late on posting my builds from 2023 but here they are. A little different year for me but happy with the results. I had my usual fun [...]

1/48 Accurate Miniatures P-51C

Started in 23 but finally finished is my first completion in 2024. It is the old A/M P-51C kit which is a P-51B with the tail fillet joint. For some reason I seem to be concentrating on checker tail birds especially those from the 325th [...]

Video: Full video buildP-47D Thunderbolt by Mini Art 48th scale

Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Francis Gabresky Hasegawa 1/32

Hi folks, built for a friend who admires a lot Gabresky. Just tried to reproduce as much as photos permit the intricate camo...excuse me for any mistakes. Hope you like it. All the best, Marcus

1/48 Tamiya P-47D 'Gabby' Gabreski's Thunderbolt

With the release of Miniarts P-47 kit, it's time to build Tamiya's 1/48 kit out of the stash. Partially out of the box, just rivetted, wired the engine and brake lines, added the feed lines on the belly tank, a standby gunsight, and an [...]

Video: P-47D by MiniArt (1/48 scalevideo review)