Panther tanks and Panther aircraft
74 articles
Ok, the story so far, the RFM Panther G, is in a word Amazing, in three words hard to build. Now that is with a caveat, you just really need to pay attention to the flow of the directions and read several steps ahead so you don't screw [...]
So buying books has become more expensive as of late, I suppose specialty books always have been more spendy than a mainstream top seller, but still, ebay what the first Dual in the Mist goes for these days! The last time I spent upwards [...]
Ahhhh Rob and puns, like Spring and pollen, slightly irritating! Ok, so I decided from the get go I wasn't going to build this with the clear hull and turret, and I went a step farther and took a moto tool and glue to everything! German [...]
First, Milineals...or however you spell it, God bless ya and your love of beer in cans...No, just no. One of my favorites, I saw it in cans for much less than in a big bottle. I'll try it, the kids at work say "No Rob it's not like [...]
Ok, so every year when my company gives us our bonus, I choose a kit I would normally not spend the money on, a pat on the back for surviving another year (actually I love my company, so surviving is easy). In the past I have gotten 1/32 [...]
Few weeks ago I watched an old, favorite movie. Bridges of Toko-Ri. Just loved those Navy F9F-3 Panthers. So I had to build one and realized I still had one in my stash. Upon opening the box of my HobbyCraft/Trumpeter kit I also discovered [...]
USS Princeton’s deployment on the line at the beginning of her final Korean deployment in April-May 1953 saw nine pilots shot down, with seven of the nine killed or missing. Among the dead was Lt(jg) Richard “Stretch” Clinite of [...]
Monogram's Panther first appeared in 1990, the first 1/48 F9F in close to 35-40 years past the Aurora and Hawk kits. At the time, it was the best and most accurate kit of the Panther, and it is still the most accurate (and in my mind, the [...]
Trumpeter 1/48 scale F9F-2 built straight out of the box just adding etched seat belts.
Aeromaster sea blue was used to paint the model using the decals supplied.
The base is resin PSP planking painted with humbrol metalcote with markings [...]