The Planes of Fame Database at iModeler

25 articles
  • Items tagged with Planes of Fame
  • 25 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 years, 8 months ago

5 P-38s flying at Chino yesterday

Fortunately I was at the show yesterday, with the nice clear skies and the 85F temps (even if it did get breezy enough in the afternoon I thought we were going to be blown off the announcer's stand along with everything on the table). [...]

P-38s @ Chino Today

Earlier this week, the question was asked,. "Do you want to fly with the P-38s this weekend?" Of course, there's only one answer to that: Hell Yes! Of course, one must always ask the Weather God whether that will be allowed. [...]

Chino’s Seversky

Like I said before, yesterday was far from perfect photography weather at Chino, but when there's something interesting on the ramp, haul out the camera and shoot. I haven't seen the Seversky outside in years. This is the 2-seat version [...]

Chino’s MiG-15 in flight

Proving just how good a pilot Steve Hinton is, here he is flying formation with a Cessna 210, from which I took these pix. And in case you want to ask "How close was he?" these photos were taken with a 55mm lens and are [...]

Chino’s D4Y3 Judy (WIP)

Some pix of Chino's D4Y3 Suisen (Judy). Terrible weather, but this was the first time she was out in public and got started up, so it was a case of suck it up and unlimber the camera. The airplane will never fly, due to the corrosion in [...]