The Su-27 Database at iModeler

18 articles
  • Items tagged with Su-27
  • 18 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years, 6 months ago

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker

1/32nd Su-27UB ‘Flanker C’ – “Red 64”

Evening folks, I've put the finishing touches to Trumpeter's 1/32nd scale Flanker C over the weekend. I embarked upon this build as I have always loved the twin-seat Flanker and thought it would be a straight-forward build to be getting on [...]

Sukhoi Su-27 UB

Hello again! This is the Eduard limited edition kit in 1/48 scale. The mouldings are originaly from the Academy Flanker C, but Eduard have worked their magic and included various photo etch and resin aftermarket parts, plus a correct nose [...]

Su-27 Flanker B (1/48 Academy or what’s left of it)

Having bought the original box almost 20 years ago, I never intended to build my flanker out of the box, so during the years the kit box was filled with almost every available aftermarket offering available. And even then I knew that the [...]

Review: Hobby Boss 1/48th SU-27 Flanker B review

Sukhoi Su 27P “Flanker B”, Russian Knights, 1 Sqn SAF Kubinka 1991.

1/72 Hasegawa, I recessed the etched metal panels, finished in MM enamels with Future and MM FS20000 acrylic over kit decals.

Review: florymodels Live Stream Live. One Day Build of the Trumpeter 1/72 SU-27 Flanker Part 2

Academy 1/48 scale SU-27 Flanker

Hello! Here is my Academy 1/48 scale SU-27 Flanker. This kit was purchased for the equivalent of about $20 in the city of Taegu, Republic of Korea back in 1995 (when I thought $40 was a lot to pay for a kit!). I worked on it here and [...]

Sukhoi Su-34 Platypus

This is Italeri's 1/72 scale rendition of arguably the deadliest of the Sukhoi design bureau's fabulous Flankers. The side-by-side seating Su-27 variants are radical developments of the original Flanker interceptor. The Su-27 IB, Su-32 FN [...]