The Tamiya Database at iModeler

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Tamiya scale model kits

1/48 Tamiya Me262-1a

Aftermarket items include Quinta Studio 3D cockpit decals, Wingz slats, Hussar resin wheels and EagleCals # 138 decals. The Quinta set is fantastic, easy to use, much more so than photo etch. The model represents a 262 that operated with [...]

Tamiya P-47D-11-RE, 1/48. 'The Razorback over Normandy'.

Personally, I'm a razorback fan over the bubbletop, and when I think razorback I can't help but think D-Day stripes which really narrowed down the sort of scheme I wanted to do for the build. This kit is the Tamiya's offering in 1/48, [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F4F-4 Wildcat

This is the 4th model in my model-building career so my learning curve is still nearly vertical. I could only find one grainy photo of a plane from VF-22 (USS Independence) so this is my interpretation of the plane's paint scheme from [...]

1/72nd Airfix Mosquito Mk. VI and Tamiya 1/48th Mosquito Mk. VI Double build

Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust as i was about to start building the Tamiya 1/48th Mosquito Mk.VI, my father popped up with the Airfix 1/72nd Mk.VI. good timing for him, bad timing for me! This double build stuff is harder than it looks when you're [...]

Tamiya 1/72 Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9

Tamiya 1/72 Focke-Wulf FW-190D-9. Built it Out of the Box, with a few minor improvements: Masked / painted Reich Defense bands. Opened barrels on cowling MGs. 24g hypodermic needles for wing root cannons. 5-Minute Epoxy wingtip lights. E-Z [...]

22 - Tamiya 1/24 Castrol Toyota Tom's Supra GT

What a fantastic model to build, so much fun and so very well made. There is no engine but excellent details in the suspension and shocks that it was really fun. Also a beautiful race interior and roll cage. If you love decals this one is [...]

Tamiya Mercedes C9 Build Blog

I have just started modelling again after a 35 year break. Now 50, I haven't had the smell of acrylic glue up my nose since I was 15. For my first kit back I've chosen my favourite race car ever, the Mercedes C9 Le Mans silver arrow, in [...]

1/48 F4U-1A Corsair by Tamiya

Done! Good kit. Old but good by Tamiya. I got it for about 5 USD with a yellowish decal. I’ve learnt so much on this build! First of all, this is my 1st build on a WWII fighter jet/aircraft. I gotta say the weathering progress is [...]

Guerre d'Algérie...1/48 Douglas AD-4 Skyraider, Armée de l’Air

And already the next finished French one by my dad. Tamiya A-1H converted to an AD-4, early inner wing racks and tanks taken from an old Esci Skyraider kit, Berna decals, painted with AK Xtreme Metal White Aluminium. Build thread [...]

1/35 German Atlantikwall R-667 bunker camouflage pattern

Laid down some camouflage with a Tamiya Black paint marker (way easier than with a brush) Difficult to exactly copy the pattern, But i am very happy with the result (it looks like it )