Mitsubishi A6M Zero
The Zero Database at iModeler
130 articles
A6M5 HEI 303 Air Group, Kagoshima Prefecture 1945.
A long time ago I wanted to build a Zero-Sen Hasegawa 1:72 model. Then, however, it did not come out as I would have liked. I have come back to the subject again with much more experience and now I present the results. Works finished two [...]
A6M5 HEI “Never GIve UP!”
Hello. This is my first work presented on this website.
A6M5 HEI Academy - Saburo Sakai "Never Give Up!". Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai ヨ-137 Japan 1945. An amazing story locked in the plane of the famous pilot Saburo Sakai San. I [...]
Tamiya 1/48 A6M3 Model 22a Zero
Just completed the superlative Tamiya Zero. it is a much more complex kit than I am used to building, but it went together without a hitch. this was my first attempt with multilayer chipping, and I have learned some lessons that I will [...]
Tamiya A6M5, 1/48. The Eternal Zero.
The most iconic Japanese aircraft is easily the Mitsubishi A6M, and Tamiya's most recent tooling from 2008 absolutely does justice to such a plane. Before going any further this kit can be summed up as 'absolutely recommended', or 'one of [...]
TAMIYA A6M5 Zero 1:48
It's funny, but you will forgive me (I hope): since I returned to this hobby after more than 40 years of absence, I am amazed to retrace paths that others younger than me have already traveled. I have rediscovered a state of the art light [...]
Tamiya G4M1 ‘Betty’ & A6M3 ‘Hamp’ 1/48, Operation Vengeance Collection
I like to think I know a fair bit about WW2 aviation, but I didn't expect how massive the G4M1 was until the box arrived in the post. At a wingspan of 41.6cm, and a fuselage length of 51.8cm, this model dwarfs anything else I've made and [...]
A6M5c Zero, Academy 1/72
I found myself inspired by the many wonderful aircraft found on I dug this Zero from the stash thinking it would be a relative short build compared to some of my armor projects. I underestimated the "short build" [...]
Mitsubishi A6M2 zero zeke
Hi everybody!
This is my A6M2 zero built as part of the empire of japan group build. So many good models on that group. This is Tamiyas Quite old 1/48 zero. With raised panel lines and a few recessed ones, so I decided to get the [...]
Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero (Zeke) – Tamiya 1/72
This is the Tamiya 1/72 Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero.
My PTO builds
Had more than I thought.
1/48 Monogram P-51B with a hand painted “Tommy’s Dad”.
1/48 Otaki P-51D decals by MSAP
1/48 Hasegawa P-38 decals by Aeromaster
1/48 Otaki Ki-61 decals by Superscale
1/72 A6M3 wing tips from a 1/72 Monogram [...]