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Morne Meyer
48 articles

B-1B Lancer

November 20, 2014 · in Aviation · · 35 · 4.4K

This is /'s gigantic scale rendition of arguably the most aesthetically pleasing bomber to emerge from the Cold War, the Rockwell B . This model is depicted in a typical 1980's wrap around colour scheme of dark green, neutral grey and European 1 grey and represents a B-1 B of the 96th Bomb Wing SAC based at Deyss AFB, Texas. Modelmaster enamels were used and shot through my trusty Aztec airbrush. Weathering was kept to a minimum. The only scratch-built items added were blade antennas and static dischargers to the wings, stabilizers and tailfin. The pneumatically inflated canvas that seal the wing trailing edge in full sweep, was simulated with foil. The kit comes with vinyl tyres which received some attention from my dremel tool to give them a worn appearance. The rear bomb bay has a fuel tank fitted whilst the front two are fitted with rotary launchers for SRAM's.

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8  Awesome

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35 responses

  1. Big and beautiful Morne.
    Looks very impressive indeed,
    Well done mate.

  2. Fantastic mate ! That's a fair size! The bomb bays look great. Nice cockpit view through the window there! Some great detail, I like it. Is that the biggest one in your collection?

    • Thanks Richard! She is by far the largest in my collection. Length is 90cm. With the wings fully swept she measures 50cm across. Height from the ground to the top of the tailfin is 20cm. Impressive dimensions for a 1/48 scale kit.

  3. Big bad bomber Morne ! Thats a giant and very well build, its a beauty.
    But i guess such big kits are somewhat hard to handle on the bench 🙂
    Your dislplay case must be huge.
    Ausgezeichnete Arbeit mein Freund !

  4. Hi Morne, I am so glad you posted this and it is quite timely too, I was moving models around in my display cabinet today and I realised I never posted my Bone on here.
    Low and behold there is another one, and very nice she is too.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Will post my one shortly.

  5. Nicely presented, Morne. A real eye-catcher.

  6. Nice-lookin' BONE, Morne...must be the centerpiece of the collection, huh?

  7. Great modeling Morne! Just a wonderful example of this fantastic aircraft. Well done.
    California Steve

  8. big and impressive - great work!

  9. Morne:
    Outstanding build!
    I remember when this came out, and EVERYBODY bought one. ('cept me) Hey, even I have limits!
    I don't recall seeing any built, except two, yours and the other one posted tpday.
    Multi piece fuselage, wasn't it? Shudder!
    Really nice build, my congratulations.

  10. Very sharp Morne. Evidently the kit landing gear is strong enough to support this beast.

  11. Another great looking model Morne, excellent work.

  12. Wow! That is so cool Morne! Damned fantastic model sir, very well done indeed.

  13. Wow, Morne, you must have needed a display the size of a hangar to show this off. Very good finish on this, especially difficult on a model of this size to keep it uniform.

  14. That's amazing Morne. Great finish. Love it.

  15. Wow, awesome build there Morne. My kit is still lying on the shelf, I hope to tackle it soon.

  16. Hi Morne,
    Thought I would take a look at some of your kits Boet, give yourself a pat on the back, you build some awesome stuff Boet, baie mooi.

  17. Very nice, Morne! The paint is so perfect!

    • Thanks Jeffry. It is a BIG piece of plastic to handle when painting and not something I will build again. However, it is the nicest looking bomber the USAF operated apart from the B 58 Hustler.

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