Ta 152H (FROG/Revell 1/72)
So, that's it – an old FROG kit back from 1970, repacked by Revell nowadays. I've bought it mostly for practicing in applying "mottling" camo, and to try new Vallejo water-based washes (catalog numbers starts from 76***).
After the box is open, it's not that hard to see how model kit industry progressed during the past decades. But building such kit – it's something special for me, because of many reasons (but with fresh decals inside, ha-ha).
Of course, I was not using any aftermarket parts for this model, but I've rescribed all panel lines and fixed engine cowling.
Painted mainly with Vallejo Model Air paints, nothing special. Vallejo washes were used as filters (through an airbrush), washes and for special effects like soot from an engine exhausts (also through an airbrush). Applying of this wash is absolutely similar to oil or enamel-based products – apply, wait and remove excess with a brush or sponge, but in this case – with a water instead of a toxic thinner. Which is good for my family because I don't have a separate "man cave".
Hope I'll like this model from a golden era of scale modeling.
Another [small] scale piece of fine modeling, sir...
Thank you, Craig!
Very nice. I'm just learning to airbrush and the way you guys do it in small scale always amazes me.
I think it's a fifth model with a mottling camo and the first I've satisfied with. All others was a c**p, believe me
So, just a practice and nothing more.
The long wing Ta-152 has always been one of my favorites. Yours looks fantastic ! I'm very impressed with the paint work.
Cracking build, Dimitry ! Especially with this kit as a base.
Wow - great work with this old kit! I've got one of these old 1/72 Ta-152's also, and hope mine comes out looking anything close to yours!
Very nice, Dimitry. Good looking build. I never realized what a sleek aircraft this was.
Thanks guys for you comments!
Great job. sir
Looks like you've got the hang of the mottling, Dmitry, good work.
Dimitry, if you did this just for "practice" you sure did a fine job. You do VERY nice work. (And your English is very good, too.) Bravo!
Thanks, Jeffry!
This is beautiful. I love the 152, she has gorgeous lines and you have done a great job in capturing her Beaty. Well done, indeed!
Dmitry, great work on the old Frog kit! I miss them, and often wonder what they would have done, had they stayed a going concern. Glad to see it's back, and from Revell in its current resurrection.