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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Monogram 1/48 Messerschmitt Me-262 “Red 17”

March 1, 2017 · in Aviation · · 22 · 3.2K

The Me-262 is, hand's down, my all-time favorite aircraft. I really love them! In fact, when the "Stormbird Project" was building its replicas, I got in touch with them about volunteering.
Unfortunately, the commute from central Texas to Seattle, Washington killed the deal. 🙂

I built this Monogram Me-262 somewhere between 1992 and '96 I'd guess. I really should've kept better build records back then. I knew very little about weathering and wear, and looking back now, my models from that era look more toy-like I guess. Because of that, I had never taken the Me-262 out for a proper photo session. I took care of that little business Monday, as I took this plane and two other birds out to the airport. The Hurricane IIC has already been shown here, and I still have a Monogram F-15 to post later.
Both the Me-262 and the F-15 photographed well out there, surprisingly. Nothing like a good background of hangars and skies to bring out their best I guess. 🙂
So, here's a look at this old warbird. It's best to go ahead and lower your expectations jes' a lil' bit before diving in though. Thanks for your interest and support!

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7  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Excellent work and photography, Gary...regardless of when it was done!

  2. I too built this baby when I first started building again, and before I realized I'd run out of storage space if I kept building 1/48! Nothing to be ashamed of here! I think about half of my display cases are from the era before I really mastered (I use that term loosely) seam-filling, weathering, after market stuff, etc! This is a great replica of the iconic jet fighter of the era!

  3. Great job ! A classic aircraft. There's actually a two seater in a museum in Willow Grove Penn.

  4. Proof positive that Monogram was at the top of their game. It just looks the part. Good thing the Germans didn't have more of them and the fuel to operate them, it might have been a near run thing.
    Great photgraphy, as usual. Adds to the believeability of the subject.

  5. Thanks Craig, Greg, Robert and Bernie! I'm glad you like the old girl. Sometimes the right combination of distance, background, perspective and angle comes together to produce a good photo. I get lucky sometimes! Your comments and support means so much to me, thanks so much! 🙂

  6. Looks like the old Monogram holds up well Gary. Since I have it in the stash may have to bring it out sooner than later. Love those airport pics, really shows off your work.

  7. Thanks Tom, appreciate that a lot! 🙂

  8. Nicely done, Gary. I love those old Monogram kits.

  9. Thanks my friend! I've gotten a lot of bang for the buck from Monogram kits over the years. Now, I think many people have realized their worth as good accurate kits that hold their age well. Thanks for commenting Jeffry 🙂

  10. Gary, nice build. I love the 262 also, and its funny that you mention the "Stormbird Project". I work at the airfield where the project is being undertaken. They are having some serious CG issues with the plane but they sure do look cool. I have never made in to the shop even though I have driven past it many times. Our project is a fun one too, you can see it here.

    • Thanks Walt! I appreciate the comments.
      Man, that's a seriously cool project you're working on! Major kudos to you and your associates. It seems you're a talented metal fabricator Walt; is that your occupation? That Goose will be great when done no doubt! 🙂

  11. Very nice, Gary.

  12. Profile Photo
    said on March 2, 2017

    Nice job again. Great photos too. I built this kit many years ago but no longer have it.

  13. Thanks again Anthony! Yeah, the "magic" of digital photography, eh? Take 80 pics and hope for two or three winners. 🙂

  14. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I built this same kit about 20 years ago. It's still a great model. Yours sincerely looks fantastic. The outdoor photography is superb. Thanks again for sharing this with us.

    • Wow! Thanks for those kind words Louis. I think it's another example of good ol' Monogram "goodness". They have produced some great model kits over the years, yet receive so much criticism and denigration from unenlightened "experts". I've said this several times before: I didn't know there was anything "wrong" with Monogram kits until the internet came along. :I Thanks again my friend! 🙂

  15. A good job on a classic and love the photos

  16. The ME 262 is certainly a classic, it just looks right somehow, and it looks as though you, with a bit of help from Monogram, have captured the look beautifully.

  17. It is a timeless beauty as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention its historical impact and significance. Thank you George for your lovely comments! I certainly do appreciate that. 🙂

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