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Rob Anderson
207 articles

Red Baron is done!

June 26, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 2.2K

An enjoyable build! Almost decided not to make the little Tri-plane, but decided what the heck. The body of the car is flat red coated in multiple coats of Tamiya clear red. The chrome was mostly all re-done with Alclad chrome. Declas for the car were fine, but the tri-plane ones were not so great. All in all for a 1997 re-pop it all went pretty smooth! Last picture is of my 3 favorite cars all together Snake, Mongoose and Red Baron!

Next up Lil Coffin!

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Well...THAT didn't take long! Nice job (and I used to have ALL those funny cars and dragsters from that era).

  2. Yep, these kits were all designed to be bought with paper route money and built by a 8-10 year old boy after school or on a Saturday. Mine took a tad longer than that, but not much!

  3. Came out great! the tripe too. Nice collection.

  4. Rob, an old classic model, nice to see some good ol' model talent applied to clean it up and make it sharp. Nice work. I always liked the inline six with the headers all coming out on one side. Nice dress up on the wheels too.

  5. Love these - they were great fun - still are I guess - looking forward to Lil Coffin.
    Well done for getting them out of the box and building em up!

  6. Brings back old memories...

  7. Very cool Rob ! Greg is right, this brings back some memories for sure. One of these days I still may end up building a real one...

    I really like the last photo with the "Cuda and the Duster. I'm a die hard Mopar guy and have owned both of these types in real life. (Right now I'm restoring a Challenger out back in the shop).

    Love it ! Two thumbs up Sir !

  8. Thanks so much guys!

  9. Great memories! Cool 'Rod!

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