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Marek Halas
28 articles

Leopard 2 A6

December 20, 2017 · in Armor · · 17 · 2.8K

's 2 A6 rounds off my current crop of builds before the Christmas holidays.

It's a Tamiya so this is very much an out of box build.

Markings are for an example used by the 5th Company, 203rd Panzer Battalion of the Bundeswehr sometime in the early noughties.

As you'd expect from a kit made by Tamiya, the fit and engineering is very good.The words shake & bake spring to mind...

There are a few places however where I suspect there's been a bit of penny pinching from Mr Tamiya...

...The turret baskets are one example: Made from a plastic mesh with a paper mask guide on the instruction sheet which needs a bit of care to get right. Meh!.

A photo-etch fret would have been a better choice, though I suspect this is where a certain aftermarket provider would step in..

The tow cable is another example of penny pinching, being made from a cotton twine type material. It looks Ok once painted but again it's a case of...Meh!

It is a minor gripe since both items look ok once painted.

The other curio, which had me think...why did Tamiya do that?... is their choice of clear styrene sheet for the periscope glass. Something a bit more substantial and injection moulded would have been better.

Nevertheless don't let my comments above put anyone off from making the kit.

These a minor quibbles and it is a good kit, and out of the box it's perfectly fine.

It was also my first go at doing a three colour camo scheme and I used Vallejo's Nato Armour Colors set, which I can recommend to all...(Providing you like using acrylic paints).

As it's a Bundeswehr machine I've only given it very light weathering, concentrating more on highlighting and modulating the colours here & there.

Once again comments are always welcome, but for now thanks for looking.

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6  Awesome

17 responses

  1. Looks pretty nice to me, Marek...I like the photography, too. 🙂

  2. Looks great my friend. Just like the ones I saw in Germany when I was a tanker serving there in the US Army. I'm sure my other Army "tanker" buddy Jeff will agree... You captured the look rather well.

    Tamiya kits are very nice... right out of the box even.

  3. Marek, I second (or third, I guess) what the others have said. The Leo 2 is a formidable machine and I was always glad the German tankers are on OUR side these days! You did well to not dirty it up much. They certainly DO get quite filthy at Grafenwoehr or Hohenfels, but tanks (or panzers, as we & they called our "mounts") seem to work better clean - at least in peace time. A lot of time is spent doing cleaning at the wash racks after a field problem because a clean machine is easier to fix & find where a mechanical problem is. Your rendition of these fine beasts is very well done and looks much like many I saw in my 7 1/2 years in Germany. (Only smaller. Ha!)

    Bravo, my friend!

    • Thanks Jeff, again I really appreciate comments from (ex?) Army guys who have actual experience of the vehicles. From a modeller standpoint & I only have photos to refer from it's good to have feedback from servicemen.
      It also seems very unfashionable to do "clean" armour curiously, as most of the stuff I've seen online tends to be pretty dirty.

  4. Well done Marek, the pics really set it off as well. Fine job.

  5. Nice job. Great looking leopard.

  6. Marek, Great work on this, looks great. I like the clean look, and having been to Germany a seeing how well they take of things there, it would surprise me if it wasn't clean! Well done !

  7. Very nice work on a formidable looking beast!

  8. Hey Marek. I'm late to the party here but that's a nice looking Leopard. Congrats on the mention for the December awards too. Mick.

  9. Nice work Marek

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