The Wingnut Wings Database at iModeler

127 articles
  • Items tagged with Wingnut Wings
  • 127 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 8 months ago

Wingnut Wings' model kits

Albatros BII Wingnut Wings 1/32

AVIATTIC decals (ATT32095) for wing fabric. Mix of Proper Plane and Uschi decals for the fuselage wood grain. Wire : Modelkasten 0.13mm Turnbuckles : Gaspatch 1/48 Propeller: watercolor pencils and oils. Tamiya paints.

William Barker VC Sopwtih Snipe 1918

Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe in which he reached 50 victories and won the VC. WNW 1:32 Tamiya, Alclad II and printers ink paints Model Kasten line 1:48 Gaspatch turnbuckles ( even these were a little oversized on the wing control horns) AIMS aero [...]

WNW Ships Camel 2F.1 N6602 HMS. Furious

1:32 Tamiya, Alclad II, printing ink and Vallejo paints Model Kasten rigging Gaspatch 1:48 turnbuckles Duro pitot wires Prop : Oils over acrylic

Wingnut Wings SwansongHalberstadt Cl.II (Late) 1/32

It was a sad day when I learned that Wingnut Wings was closing down for good. I greatly enjoyed building those superb kits over the years. Alas, I only had the late Halberstadt in my stash when the news arrived, so this build is my final [...]

1/32 Wingnut Wings Sopwith Triplane (Collishaw Edition)

Raymond Collishaw was a top Canadian RNAF/RAF ace pilot who along with the plane he flew and his famous "Black" Flight helped the British recover from the demoralizing days of "Bloody April" in 1917. His personal [...]

Halberstadt CL.II [ late] "Marichen" Schlasta 15 mid-late 1918

Halberstadt CL.II [ late] "Marichen" Schlasta 15 mid-late 1918 WNW 1:32 Tamiya paints Infini rigging with Gaspatch turnbuckles Aviattic decals for wing surfaces Mixed my own colour for the fuselage to match Ronny Bar's art work.


Gaspatch turnbucles Aviattic lozenge Airbrushed fuselage Tamiya paint, oils, printing inks. MRP varnishes Infini line

Belgian DH 9

De Havilland DH9 finally finished. During the first war, Belgium received at least twenty DH9s from Great Britain and in 1922-23, the Sabca produced around thirty. It is one of the latter which I am giving here an interpretation, [...]

WingNut Wings Junkers D.1...

This is my interpretation of the Junkers D.1. 5188/18 as entered in the Idflieg fighter trials of October 1918. I built this one straight from the box except for the minimal rigging. The Spandaus and seat belts are the supplied kit items [...]

Wingnut wings Dh2

Wingnut wings Dh2 32nd scale Only my second wnw kit ,entirely painted with tamiya acrylics Spark plug leads are made from 0.15 brass wire wrapped around a 0.3 drill bit to create the spring and the cockpit wire bracing has a 0.8mm disk at [...]