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1/32 Tamiya P-51D Mustang LOU IV – In progress

February 24, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.5K

Tamiya s new P-51D has got his decals. You can see all construction images from "Work in Progress-Aircraft" section.

Happy modelling

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9 responses

  1. beautiful paint job...very nice clear coat

  2. Never seen such a camouflage on the wings of mustangs. I thought that was just the top Olive Drab. This is two shades of Olive?

    • This would be because of top D-Day stripes having been overpainted with fresh, darker OD paint.

      • Yes, this is due to overpainted D-day stripes.

        But there is a problem about the right place of the two greens. Thank God,Tom Cleaver just warned me about this confusion .

        My reference was Eagle Cal decal sheet. But if you read the article at the following link,;you will see that the greens should be displaced.

        I have two options now:

        a- continue to finish line with this mistake ( self deception )

        b- remove all decals and re paint the greens, ohh s**t !

        I guess option "b" is a little bit close to me:)

        • Tolga,

          FWIW. Many, many light years ago when the web was still young I have also written an article about it.
          The notion that the upper surfaces of Lou IV were painted green rather than blue is rather old and I consider it solved, some dark shade of green being the answer. On the color photos, E90 and E2S appear to be painted in fresh, dark OD.

          One more thing appears certain: LOU IV had its stripes overpainted in a different color. Also, it was a lighter (not darker) tone than the rest of its upper surfaces.

          In my article it had been suggested that the lighter (overpainted) colour could have been blue. Today, I'm in no way sure about it, buit I still think it can't be excluded. E2*H seems to have the same color applied to its fuselage decking.

          Here's the best resolution copy of that famous photo that I could find:

          I'd say take your artistic license and stay with (a) there were so many different interpretations of this paint scheme that whatever you choose, it will probably be challenged in the future.

  3. Wonderful build so far, Tolga.
    Hmm, tough choice there... 🙂

  4. Not so tough...leave it as is and don't take the chance of messin' up what a fine job you already have there. You can't tell me every single airplane was painted exactly the same. And NOBODY among us can say with certainty because they weren't there nor have they seen each example that was produced and/or painted. At least that my take on your "dilemma". Nice job.

  5. i agree with craig, the plane is absolutely beautiful the way it is!

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