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Meet our March winners

April 4, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 1K

Here is a brief summary of our March activity, a month that brought no fewer than 160 new articles and 1037 comments at iModeler. It is my pleasure today to announce the winning entries in our monthly contest.

iModeler Best in Show - March 2013

Bill Koppos ( @billkoppos ) effort to Keep up with the Seitz’s with a 1/48 P-40K brings the author our Best in Show award this month.

The judges valued the combination of solid workmanship, simplistic yet brilliantly effective approach to weathering and crisp photography. There's no denying that to fare well in an online presentation, a modeler's work needs three components: build quality, painting and convincing photos. We think that Bill's entry strikes a commendable balance in these categories, resulting in one of the coolest P-40's we've admired online.

But wait, there is more! - the Random Award

We are also awarding a second prize as a token of appreciation to all our contributors. This is selected through an entirely random draw among all the entries of the month.

Our lucky winner is Al Hoffman ( @aloisious ) with his D.520 AMS Relief Project pt. 3. A big thank you for contributing!

Honorable Mentions

As a token of recognition to the excellent models that came very close to the podium, here are the jury's Honorable Mentions. (in no particular order)

Booty Nieuport 27C1 Converting Hobbycraft kit in 1/32 by Ozkan Turker

Trumpeter Sukhoi su-25 / czech by Henrik Stormer

1/48 Hasegawa Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ib by Tolga Ulgur

Mr. Churchill’s tank… AFV Club 1/35 Infantry escort by Bill Koppos

Tamiya 1:48, Mitsubishi Isshirikko type 11 G4M1 “Betty” by Ulrich Schütt

The judging committee was @editor, @aisak and @magnusf.

Reader reactions:

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Congratulations to Bill, that is an excellent model. At the same time the other models displayed here are also of a high standard and worthy of their mention. Maybe one day I will submit some om mine too, just for the fun of it. happy modelling.

  2. An excellent build by Bill Koppos and deserving of the accolades given - well done.

    I cannot, however, imagine ANYTHING submitted by Tolga Ulgar NOT being in the "honorable mention" category. There are but a handful of modelers (at least that I'm aware) that can match or -gasp- surpass his talent(s).

  3. Congratulations Bill. Your work is worthy and the photography captures the look and feel of what people see and read in many of the books on the subject.

    It would be great if a tutorial were to be given on how to best photograph models for submissions too. Mounting the model on a plaque with sand adds to the feeling of the desert. A simple but effective forced perspective
    goes along way too.

  4. Congrats to all...someday I hope to be in the hall of honor...gotta practice those modeling skills...LOL...anyway all the entries look outstanding and the grand winner it looks like a real plane...wonderful work to all..

  5. Well done to all, certainly some fantastic builds in march. I looking forward to posting in the headlines soon.

    The P-40 looks terrific, a well deserved win.

  6. Well done to all, certainly some fantastic builds in march. I'm looking forward to posting in the headlines soon.

    The P-40 looks terrific, a well deserved win.

  7. Wow. An honor for sure. Especially considering some of the beauties that were on here this month. Thanks to all. I'd like to thank the administrator for running a great site. This place Rocks! Look forward to all the great plastic I'll be seeing. 🙂

  8. Sorry for the double post folks, had some fat thumb typing going on at the key board that night. 🙂

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