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Chris Sakowski
27 articles

1/48 Revell (Monogram) Case X Wing F-102

May 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 8 · 2.8K

This kit was a bear to get together...must have been slightly older kit because there was quite a bit of flash and some parts warped. It didnt want to fit to well either. I have always wanted to build an from the 4780th ADW at Perrin AFB Texas.. The base closed in 1971. My father was station there in the 50's with F-86L's and then again in late 60's with the Dueces. When Fox one came out with the decals I had to have them..I had the set but then got out of the hobby and got rid of them..Naturally when I got back into modeling Fox One was gone and so were their decals...I was lucky to make a trade with someone for the markings so here it is. I will be taking this one to the Perrin AFB Museum at the base which is now North Texas Regional Airport. I use to live in the old base houseing area, (Not a good neighborhood now). anyway about the kit. It had alot of fit problems where the fuselage meets the wing, and if you notice from the head on shot that the tail is a bit warped..I didnt notice this until after it was built and painted. I used the stencil decals from the kit but they started to explode...even after hitting them with some decal saver. So I contacted Revell and they sent me a new sheet.

So there you have it a 4780ADW F-102 Perrin AFB

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8 responses

  1. excellent job I know these aren't easy kits

  2. It appears you managed to tame the bear pretty well...looks good.

  3. It seems the you tamed the bear and turned it into one awesome "beast"!

  4. Another great model, you guys certainly know how to get the best from your kits!

  5. Nice big ol' Delta you have there! I've got one in my stash; maybe someday...:)

  6. The 'Deuce' was always one of my personal favorites, it's a shame the molds have deteriorated, but beware tha 'curse of AMS', that means that someone will release a new state of the art kit, shortly

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