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Rob Anderson
201 articles

206 the hard way

February 22, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 1.3K

Of course puts out this kit with these markings after I have gotten this far oh well 🙂 It took no less than 4 decal sheets to make the markings for this bird. Some of the font is not 100% exact but pretty close. All thats left is the stencils that were all over these Phantoms at the time since they were new from the factory early Bs when 84 took them on cruise. Pictures show the full range of stenciling so...well I may go insane! I also must say that the Double Ugly decals are very nice, but I dod not think they used an actual kit to make them, or at least didn't try them on one before they released the set, some markings are too big others too small. Oh well, so far so good! DOH edited to add I need to do the E on the stbd side with a bar underneath. Long way to go yet!

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9 responses

  1. Check out Jack Mugan's stencil work Rob - I thought it was awesome. Great progress on your build.

  2. It's looking very neat and impressive so far, Rob, looking forward to seeing the final result.

  3. Hang in there Rob, it will be worth the effort. Looking darn good so far.

  4. I'm sure your fellow Phantom Phanatics appreciate your sacrifice. 🙂

  5. Thanks guys, at one time I thought the Furball Bravo Mig Killers set was going to be just stored away for the "someday" VF 111 build, but I had to use parts of it to make up for things that were oversized on the Double Ugly set. The Furball decals though are very fragile, but everything is sized correctly!

  6. Rob,
    This looks good and will look even better when finished. I'm sure you have seen the movie "Final countdown". Of course, VF-84 at that time are in F-14's but, if you have or can get a copy on DVD it has an additional segment of interviews with the Jolly Roger pilots. They discuss one of the shots in the film and it is very interesting how the Navy saw this particular stunt. The Navy was not too happy. Watch it if you can as it is funny and interesting.

  7. Thanks Frank! Yes I have seen the movie, but not the stuff at the end of the DVD. Very familiar with "The Final Countdown" My first cruise on the Nimitz was in 1987 not too many years after the film was made (1980?) and one of the hangar bay doors had "The Final Countdown" painted on it. The ships "Rock" band was the Final Countdown Band, and of course VF 84 was still part of our Airwing, I was in VAW 124 world famous "Bear Aces" at the time.

  8. Nice clean build, so far!

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