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Tom Cleaver
936 articles

Another 1/48 Hasegawa P-40N

June 30, 2014 · in Aviation · · 2 · 2.2K

Hasegawa P-40N in the markings of "Island Dream" of the 7th Squadron, 49th Fighter Group, 1944.

The model is essentially OOB other than the aftermarket Aeromaster decals and the use of a vacuformed sliding canopy, so it doesn't sit "on top" of the rear glass area.

My experience of the P-40s, and I have built a few, is that if you take your time in fitting the various modular parts together, you will get a good fit, though you will still need filler, sanding and rescribing. Attach the rear fuselage parts to their respective fuselage halves before further assembly and you can work the joint from inside and out to get it as close as possible.

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3  Awesome 1 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

2 responses

  1. Now THAT is a lot of P-40s! Always like seeing the P-40s of the 49th Tom. I believe it was one of your builds that tipped me off to the method of adding the inserts to each half of the fuselage before joining them - and a huge help that was!
    nice group of P-40s you posted!

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