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Ramon R. Lomeli
51 articles

OK, I’ll play along! Monogram 1/48 scale F-8 Crusader

July 31, 2014 · in Aviation · · 26 · 2K

Inspired by the last few posts, here is my scale . I used the Cobra Company landing gear set and resin ejection seat, some foil from a wine bottle to make a simple seatbelt harness and I used stock decals that had been in the box a little too long (I bought this kit in 1999 and have been working on it off and on until I finally finished it last year).

Its not my best work and I humbly think the posts before this one are way better executions of the same kit, but I still had fun finally getting it finished and it looks ok on my display shelf. Besides, it is always fun to look at an F-8 and hopefully more Crusaders will find their way to this site soon...



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3  Awesome

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26 responses

  1. all these look great - if you guys keep it up I may have to take up jets.

  2. Very nice non the less! It appears we have a suprise F-8 group build come out of nowhere here!

  3. Beautiful Crusader Ramon.

  4. The more the merrier I say…never get tired of looking at the various building decisions that get made on nice models. Nice work Ramon, it paid off to hang in there and finish the project.

  5. Beautiful, and you can get one nowdays for how much less than the Hasegawa one?

    • Thanks Rob! They are still about 1/3rd the price, last time I checked. The nice thing about all these old Monogram kits is that you get a lot of bang for your buck!

  6. said on July 31, 2014

    I really miss seeing them fly out of Miramar... nice model!

    • Maybe someday someone with some deep pockets will get one of the ex French Navy birds on the airshow circuit for us to enjoy! (I believe I read that there are a couple in the States owned by a corporation.)

    • Miramar must have been an awesome place for plane watching. Having grown up near one airport or another, I have never been bothered by jet noise. Well, except that one time when I was in Bosnia trying to sleep in my cot before a mission, and there were F-16s buzzing overhead for a couple of hours...

  7. Looks great! I have the same edition of this kit, but yours looks better with the proper stance and correct seat! I love the grey and white navy jets!

  8. Ramon,
    I guess I started something with my initial post of my old Monogram F-8. I'm glad I did, because it is really fun to see that others were motivated also, and to see what they have done with that great kit! I like your outdoor venue for the photos of your bird. Seems to suit the Crusader. I believe that a/c is in "The Red Rippers" VF. Beautifully done, and thanks!

  9. Thanks Robert! This has turned into a fun online gallery. As for lighting, you can't beat natural light (the sun, not the beer, although in a pinch natty light is good enough!)

  10. These Crusaders are inspiring, and your outdoor photographs are great.

  11. Ramon,
    I am running out of praise for all the F-8's. That's what happens when you are late to the party. I will just say Fantastic and thank you for your service in Bosnia

  12. You've done a fine job on this F-8. I've built a few Monogram F-8's. Not a bad kit but a bit dated by todays modern kit standards. Makes it all the more satisfying when you achieve such a great finish.

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