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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 P-51B Fighter Ace Capt. Edwin L. Heller "Hell -Er Bust "

May 11, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 6 · 1.4K

Well pretty happy with my second diorama. P-51B is from tamiya and Figure from the Hasegawa WWII pilot set. All painted with tamiya paints.

Cheers Brian

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Nice little build and dio, Brian...looks like you faded the blue to match the OD perfectly.

  2. Good lookin' Mustang - like the faded look you achieved.

  3. very very nice work! aircraft, figure, display base - its all a great example of fine craftsmanship!

  4. Brian,
    I add my compliments also

  5. Nice work. Is that pilot a scale 6' 4"? Heller was so big, most of the rest of the 352md FG couldn't figure out how he could squeeze into a Mustang. If you like the 352nd (which you build history indicates you do) you ought to pick up Jay Stout's "Fighter Group," which is an excellent history of the 352nd told through interviews with original members.

  6. Well thought out and put together, Brian, the figure helps to put some life into it (he's a chubby little fellow, isn't he?).

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