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Brian Scott
78 articles

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1D USS Hancock

October 24, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 2.6K

Another shelf of doom finish. Corsair painted with Model Master Paints. Weathered with Mig wash. Tamiya Pilot finished with Tamiya paints and Mig wash.

Cheers Brian

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5  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Very nice Brian. Excellent weathering. Really looks the part!

  2. Looks like a member of TF 38 after 3 months of "The Big Blue Blanket":killing kamikazes. Very realistic finish - the reason the Navy liked Glossy Sea Blue is it stuck to the airframe (unlike the paints in the tri-color scheme) and just loss the "glossy" under the tropic sun. Very nice.

  3. Nice Corsair Brian. Your finish looks smooth as glass. Well done.

  4. A Tamiya Corsair on the shelf of doom? I thought these kits were as near as perfect as could be. Whatever, you look to have done another great job on this one.

  5. Hello Brian, you've produced a fine model of that F4U-1D in the markings of VBF-6 aboard USS Hancock. The faded and weathered finish looks great. Very well done. A nice carrier deck section beneath it would enhance it even more.

  6. Nicely done - really like the realistically painted figure.

  7. Nice job Brian. Good to see another airplane clear the Shelf of Doom!


  8. Terrific work, Brian! Your painting and weathering are superb!

  9. Hello Bryan,

    I did like your "used" Cosair alot.

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