WnW Fe.2b, 6341 “Zanzibar #1”
Hello fellow modellers,
this project is finished. I had immense fun building it and I can strongly reccomend this kit to anyoine that is not afraid of a bit more rigging than usually I used Gaspatch guns and turnbucles, Modelkasten rigging line 0,15mm, Tamiya and Gunze paints and primers, Alclad II for the metal parts, HGW interior and exterior sets and carved mu own propeller.
I also bought the HGW stealbelts, but they are like waaay smaller than the WnW PE ones, actually they looked like 1/48 not 1/32, so I didin't used them. I chemically blackemed as much of the PE as I could, replaced some parts, lose, found or scratches some more.
As final words I should say, that while this kit is a bit more complicated, it is as buildable as any of the other WnW kits I already built
ANy comments, recomendations, questions, tips, tricks or constructive criticism are most welcome!
Here are the pics:
Best regards,
Stuning ! WnW : the Rolls of modelers...
Outstanding work, a real pleasure to view.
What a beautiful job you've done with this. Stellar workmanship, sir. The photographs are spectacular. I suspect we'll be seeing this one again next month!
Stunning Sasho , as Craig said, I would not be surprised to see this next month .
Well done mate.
Hat off for a great build and a great rigging.
I hope to see this model as this month's winner. WnW models are the best in the field of WW I aviation subjects. Building these kits to the point of perfection, as is the case with this model requires a special set of skills! Well done and congrats on producing a masterpiece second to none!
Aleks, what a showstopper! It looks real! The standard of work throughout is astonishing. Bravo!
I find it hard to imagine anyone going off to face enemy opposition in this birdcage. Iron men!
Outstanding build for sure. The rigging work is most impressive and something many modelers would hesitate to undertake. Certainly a show-stopper and I agree that we'll be seeing this one again soon. Beautiful craftsmanship.
Very good work. You've shown what's possible to achieve through the application of sound modelling skills to these fine kits. Having built the Roland, I was considering the Rumpler (late version), so it's good to see other WnW choices presented here.
So far Roland DVIa is my favorite WnW kit, absolutely awesome!
Aleksander, as others have said, beautiful craftsmanship and fantastic photography as well! Really stunning.
A real masterclass!
That's really well done!
Aleksandar, really nice, one of the best models I've seen. I hope you take it to a few shows. It should do very well. Once again "wow" !
Really excellent work and a smashing result.
Definitely a winner!
Absolute perfection !
Stuning! like
Well I'm impressed.
Question: How did the back seat guy - the pilot - fly and fire a Lewis gun at the same time?
Both guns are operated by the observer
Well, I suppose from time to time the pilot also fired
All I can say is wow, wow and wow!