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Paul van Acker
118 articles

1/48 Italeri Arado Ar-196A

February 8, 2016 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.3K

Completed today, I built it in the markings of one of the Bismark's Arados. Heavily weathered due to the rough life it had. If only for a fairly short time. 🙂 I have a catapult for it. That will be built soon, and will go together in a new post then. Hope you like. Thanks for looking.

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9  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Interesting work, Paul. I built the Revell version, which is also nice. I think I know the catapult you mean. The guy who makes it is at Telford every year, with other things as well. I think 2015's pride of place was a cutaway version of a Catalina in 1/32 - a lot of interest but I didn't see any sold (at £550 it's easy to see why!).

  2. Outstanding Paul - love the weathering.

  3. Nice subject i like it

  4. Interesting looking plane, and great modelling, especially the weathering.

  5. Looking forward to the mating with the catapult - how about a sneak preview of the catapult KIT?

  6. Nice job. That's the first one of those I've seen built.

  7. Paul,
    Beautifully done. Your work is excellent.

  8. Very nice work Paul. Weathering & paint first class too, as are the photos!

  9. Excellent work, Paul!

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