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iModeler April Awards

May 12, 2016 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 1.7K

Tonight it's time to reveal the results of our April retrospective - the .

129 articles were added to the iModeler's headline page during the month, prompting 62,874 total views and 1,367 fresh comments!

As usual, we are awarding the iModeler Best in Show title to the entry that wins the jury's prize, but also list runner-ups as Honorable Mentions. We think that all are great modeling accomplishments that deserve recognition. The judging committee was @editor, @magnusf, @halvarvonflake, @rickard-malmborg and @aisak.

New and would-be members of iModeler please note: Every month, all articles posted among the Headlines are included in our traditional honorary prize draw. We're awarding the Best in Show title to the entry that in the eyes of the jury represents the month's highlight in terms of modeling quality and presentation. In additional to this, we allot a second award to a randomly chosen article. We think that all contributions to this site deserve recognition, so this second prize is a token of appreciation to all authors and all levels of modeling experience that can be encountered here at iModeler.

Join iModeler to take part in the next month's roundup »

iModeler Best in Show - April 2016

In comparison with the many spectacularly finished models on show last month, our choice of the Best in Show may appear a bit restrained, but we think that Roberto Colaianni's 1/48 Fokker D.VII AOW is well worth a second look. The modeler's care shows through every aspect of the model - the extra detailing, painted lozenge camouflage, fabric and wood textures, the base, the figures. Roberto's entry wins our April Best in Show award.

But wait, there is more! – the Random Award

We are also awarding a prize as a token of appreciation to all our contributors. This is selected through a random draw among all the 129 entries of the month. The distinction goes to Craig Abrahamson for his Academy 1/48th F-4C -- which also happens to be the first completed entry in the ongoing Phantom group build at iModeler!

Honorable Mentions: Our 6 Glorious Finalists

(in no particular order)

  1. Ugur Kenel - KC-135R Stratotanker 1/72 Italeri
  2. Cemal Deger - 1:48 Tanmodel Republic RF-84F Thunderflash Luftwaffe
  3. René Hieronymus - Remains of an empire
  4. George Williams - Honda REPSOL RC213V '14, Tamiya, 1/12
  5. Grega X- Wie ein floh…. Me-163 Komet B-1a
  6. Martin Dytrych - Warburton's Maryland, 1:48
Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Congratulations to all above, some very fine and varied builds.

  2. Nice range of models. I must say I'd forgetten about the Fokker. Nice choice.

  3. Great choices all. Congratulations.

  4. WOW...what a pleasant surprise to see one of MY entries in the "awards" section. Thanks to the iModeler staff for the recognition - it's much appreciated.

    • Congratulations Craig whoa...the photography and the figures are out standing. Good on you for finally winning. Looking forward to seeing you and your new model.

      • Thanks, Stephen, but I think your reply may be misdirected and aimed more so at the Best in Show entry (I didn't have any figures included in my Phantom model).

        • No I'm typing and looking at two things ...kind of like chewing gum and walking...not one of my gifts. Your Phantom... especially the cockpit detail is deserving of recognition. There are so many good models and at times there our categories that represent apples and oranges. Mr.Colaianni’s 1/48 Fokker D.VII AOW is a winner and so is your Phantom.

  5. Many well deserved congratulations to Roberto and Craig, I feel extremely honoured to be mentioned amongst such company, thank you very much to Martin and the panel of judges.

  6. Really nice stuff this month, congratulations to all.

  7. Congratulations, everyone!
    Particular congratulations to Roberto and Craig!
    Wonderful builds, every one.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice choices and very good eye candy, congratulations to all.

  9. Congrats to everyone! Excellent choices by the judges!

  10. Thanks to everybody, it‘s a surprise and a Honor to be chosen as one of the winner in the monthly contest, where so many great model are on display.
    Thank s for watching my article. Hope this month I will finish a the one about my…… I will not tell you, suspense!

  11. Great models all! Congrats to everyone.

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