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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Just Under the Wire

December 31, 2016 · in Armor · · 14 · 1.4K

My last completed kit for 2016, making it 13 finished models for the year. That's the most I've completed in a year for many, many years. I present the JGSDF Type 10 Tank.

As I and many others have said before, these kits go together quickly and well. Construction was a breeze. There is a small gap between the tracks on each side, but they are hidden by the fenders. I used Tamiya paints for the basic camouflage scheme. Originally I used both the JGSDF green and brown. But, the contrast between them was almost impossible for me to see (I have a red/green color deficiency) so I repainted the green with J.A. Green (XF-13) which I liked much better. I used various washes and powders for weathering. I also tried a new technique this time and, in a similar way with my figure painting, I mixed up lighter versions of the two cameo colors and painted on thin highlight lines along most of the panel edges. That's something I think I will play around with more on my next armor kit.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year!

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. A mean looking beast. great job.

  2. The colors look great together on your model. Very nice indeed. Two thumbs up!

  3. Definitely "looks the part"...nice finish.

  4. Very nice, it could easily pass for 1/35 scale, let's hope it's not unlucky 13! Thanks for the tips about the colours, I, too, am red/green deficient, along with blue/purple, I have to read the labels on the paint jars very carefully!

  5. Excellent build, the weathering is very convincing.

  6. Congrats on your baker's dozen. Great finish on this one! The new technique is interesting.

  7. Not an Armour expert but it looks good to me Scott. Really like the weathering a lot, quite realistic.

  8. That painting technique to highlight panels looks really effective! Brilliant! Was it achieved by masking and thin spraying?

  9. Nice work Scott, very realistic look.

  10. That looks great Scott, spot on weathering for a modern piece of armor as well.

  11. Thanks everyone for the compliments!

  12. Well done, Scott!

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