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Marc Barris
97 articles

1/32 scale Piper Pawnee BraveScratchbuilt

January 8, 2017 · in Aviation · · 26 · 3.2K

Well here comes 2017, and I have decided to do full on scratch building, there are no cool civil aircraft in scale, so I decided to build my own. I have always wanted a Crop Duster and I came across a plan while I was in the Congo and started to mentally prepare myself for the task at hand when I got home.
I started out with a blank, flat piece of plastic card and started cutting and gluing, making molds and vac forming, and a lot of sanding. This is what I have from building over the last 2 weeks. Everything was scratch built, excluding the wheels that were salvaged from the spares box.

I return to the Congo tomorrow for 6 weeks, then I will finish it up when I get home.

Maybe I will try a 1/32 scale King Air next...

Hope you guys like it, and a Happy New Year to you all.


I am pretty happy with the way it came out so far.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. Very nice work.
    Not only in 1/32 civil aircraft are missing πŸ˜‰

  2. Now THAT'S "modeling"...fantastic workmanship AND a great subject. As will be the Beech King Air (if you get there). Kudos to YOU, sir...nice job!

  3. OK..yellow, check, civilian, check, hard working, check. 100 % right. Fantastic build, well done.

  4. Thanks guys, still need to finish it though, I still need to install the spray bar and the pump. Thanks again

  5. Amazing scratch build, cockpit and all!

  6. Thanks Rob. I still need to add the elevators.

  7. This is an awesome build. I have a desire to build a 32 scale Northrop Gamma. All I need to do is figure out how to do it. Since it has quite a few compound curves in the wing root I guess it will stew a while. I do like that Piper. It brings back some memories.
    Thanks for sharing...

  8. You definitely have some skills ! Great work. I especially like the prop and cowling areas.

    Excellent Sir !

  9. Yes great work Marc, that's modeling.

  10. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    I am of the same opinion as Craig, very nice work Marc.

  11. Excellent work, there must be something in the air in the Congo...

  12. Some real craftsmanship there.

  13. Awesome! I don't think I'll live long enough to have an excuse to feel like scratch-building, but it looks to me like you've got it down pat!

    • Give it a go Greg, just remember that you can build any aircraft thats not available in the hobby shops, I got tired of building all the 109's , FW 190's and Spitfires. Thanks for the comment Bud.

  14. This is a very interesting AC and you've done an outstanding job of it! Such talent!

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