1/32 scale Piper Pawnee Brave – Scratchbuilt
Well here comes 2017, and I have decided to do full on scratch building, there are no cool civil aircraft in 1/32 scale, so I decided to build my own. I have always wanted a Crop Duster and I came across a plan while I was in the Congo and started to mentally prepare myself for the task at hand when I got home.
I started out with a blank, flat piece of plastic card and started cutting and gluing, making molds and vac forming, and a lot of sanding. This is what I have from building over the last 2 weeks. Everything was scratch built, excluding the wheels that were salvaged from the spares box.
I return to the Congo tomorrow for 6 weeks, then I will finish it up when I get home.
Maybe I will try a 1/32 scale King Air next...
Hope you guys like it, and a Happy New Year to you all.
I am pretty happy with the way it came out so far.
Very nice work.
Not only in 1/32 civil aircraft are missing π
Now THAT'S "modeling"...fantastic workmanship AND a great subject. As will be the Beech King Air (if you get there). Kudos to YOU, sir...nice job!
Thanks Craig, took me 2 weeks to get this far.
OK..yellow, check, civilian, check, hard working, check. 100 % right. Fantastic build, well done.
Thanks guys, still need to finish it though, I still need to install the spray bar and the pump. Thanks again
Amazing scratch build, cockpit and all!
Thanks Rob. I still need to add the elevators.
Thanks Rob. I still need to add the elevators.
This is an awesome build. I have a desire to build a 32 scale Northrop Gamma. All I need to do is figure out how to do it. Since it has quite a few compound curves in the wing root I guess it will stew a while. I do like that Piper. It brings back some memories.
Thanks for sharing...
Every journey starts with the first step, Its really fun to see it all come together.
You definitely have some skills ! Great work. I especially like the prop and cowling areas.
Excellent Sir !
Thanks Louis for the kind words
Yes great work Marc, that's modeling.
Thanks Allan
π ... Greetings ... π :
I am of the same opinion as Craig, very nice work Marc.
Thanks for the comment
Excellent work, there must be something in the air in the Congo...
Yip, and luckily its not the Malaria. thanks for the comment, when this is done I am going to give the King Air a go.
Amazing work !
Thank you Bernd
Some real craftsmanship there.
Thanks as always for the comment Tom.
Awesome! I don't think I'll live long enough to have an excuse to feel like scratch-building, but it looks to me like you've got it down pat!
Give it a go Greg, just remember that you can build any aircraft thats not available in the hobby shops, I got tired of building all the 109's , FW 190's and Spitfires. Thanks for the comment Bud.
This is a very interesting AC and you've done an outstanding job of it! Such talent!
Thanks Jeff, I am busy completing it now, I will post pictures of the completed model soon. Thanks for your comment.