“Covering Fire!”
This is a Tamiya M113 kit I built about 5 years ago.
I added a Recoilless rifle off an old Dragon Mule kit and after market accessories from Black Dog and Verlinden. The figures are from Bravo 6 (resin), and are really good. The base is MiniArt - quite simple bases to build and look pretty effective when finished.
I think it all came together pretty well, and 5 years down the track I'm still pretty happy with it.
I like it a lot...nice all around work there.
Carl, nice ACAV! Looks like urban combat, bad stuff. As in Hue. Use that recoilless to clear buildings at close range, or bring it down, floor by floor. Nasty, intense fighting.
You've captured it.
Boy, that is a nice base! Being a plane guy, I didn't know they had those. Nice painting job throughout, brings out the details beautifully.
Thanks Bernard. I see you served over there. I hope I have done it justice
Base is basically a vac-form kit, cut it out of plastic sheet and your done
Carl, it's got the look. You can almost smell it.
Vacuform base! That's a surprise, now I'm more impressed.
Great work all around!
Excellent work Carl, love the detail and the paint job.The recoilless rifle is a nice touch as well. The noise they make when they go off will scare the hell out of you.
Thanks Tom. I think Acadamy kit actually comes with recoilless rifle
Your 113 looks pretty realistic. When I was in the Cav we had 5 of them in our platoon along with our 4 tanks. I had the pleasure of driving these on occasion and they scoot along pretty good! Much better than our M-60's did. We had all kinds of gear hanging on ours.
Your attention to the little details is great. I noticed the spent brass casings on the deck, the "blooper" grenade launcher and the grass looks real nice too. Thanks for sharing this gem with us. It brought back many memories.
Thanks Louis, I'm pleased you like it
Great work bud!
Hello Carl,
My compliments on your diorama.
M113 workhorse that needed a lot of attention to keep it going.
"Lots of nippels to be serviced with the grease gun"
Dirk/The Netherlands.
Nice work.
Well thought out and neatly finished scene.
Good work on that M-113. Very nice detail work and a very good diorama.