Nichimo 1:48 Scale, Nakajima Ki-431c, “Hayabusa” (Oscar)
Another "Oldie but Goodie", Nichimo's "Oscar" is one of the best, if not THE best model of this important Japanese fighter, in any scale. But that's my opinion.
Model went together beautifully, with very little needed attention to seams. It was one of those models that you always remember the build because it's just that good. The kit isn't a new one either, and WAY ahead of it's time. Nichimo kits in general go from really, really poor, to this little beauty.
Anyway, you can find them at hobby shows, and if you see one, grab it. You will not be disappointed!
This model represents a Ki-43 assigned to the 11th Sentai, 1st Chutai, operating over New Guiniea in Early 1943. This was the aircraft of Chutai C.O. Capt Miyabayashi Shigenori. A rather flamboyant pilot, Miyabayashi referred to himself as the Red Falcon
The 11th was based in China, and was moved to New Guinea to replace combat losses.
On 6 February, 1943, the 11th was tasked with escort duties for a group of Ki-48 light bombers attacking Wau.
At the same time, C-47's were being escorted by P-39's of the 35th FG, and P-40's of the 49th FG, also approached Wau. A roiling dogfight soon erupted as both groups of aircraft spotted each other. Miyabayashi went to attack a P-39, and was set upon by a P-40, possibly piloted by Capt. Frank Nichols, who blasted the "Oscar" and sent it spinning into the jungle below, in flames.
In addition to Capt. Miyabayashi, the 11th Sentai lost it's C.O., Sugiura Katsuji, KIA,
Lt SatoTetsuo KIA and Sgt Maj Takagi Tomekichi, KIA. All were highly respected and admired within the squadron, and the effect of their loss, all at once, was a blow that was not recovered from for a long time.
Agree the Nichimo Hayabusa 1 is the best of its kind. Full engine detail! Years before its time, even had Thai white elephant on a red square insignia. First I'd seen.
The Hasegawa is simplified, in camparison, and came a lot later.
I believe Nichimo is gone, now. Shame, they did some things nobody else did.
Great job on her, good to see one built.
I'm not sure if they are gone, or not, but this is their best effort of any kit, hands down.
The Ki-51, "Sonja", and the Ki-45 "Nick" are not bad either, although the interior detail is WAY lacking.
I like it...but is the lighting playing tricks on my eyes? What color did you paint it? A shade of brown, OD or what? Never seen one in that scheme.
It's a combination of a light IJAAF green, over sprayed with stripes of a darker shade of IJAAF. Both colors were introduced by Aeromaster way back when they were an up and coming new company. Some aircraft in China carried the scheme, as well as in New Guinea.
Archetypal Oscar, with great attention to the nuance of colour and finishes. Very nice.
Thanks Rob, I built this one in 1997 too!
Looks great!
Nice work Freddie ! I really like the build. The history was a nice read too. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Great job!
Nice clean work Frederick. Very peculiar yet eye popping color, it sure stands out.
Great work on a very fine kit. One on the wish list. And your right on the Aeromaster Acrylics, love the paint which is the Polly S formula. Sprayed nicely from the airbrush. I still have some though dwindling rapidly. Thanks for sharing.
I still have some, Chuck, and whenever I see it, I buy it. Very good stuff, and it covers real well.
Another great looking model, Frederick, your enthusiasm for the kit really shows through.
Shows through huh? It is a beautiful kit!
Very nice, will have to keep my eyes open for one
You will absolutely love it, when you find one, Geotge
She's a winner, George. You won't be disappointed
Nice review of a cool aircraft!
Thank you, Jeff.
Wonderful weathering.