VF-1J Valkyrie Hikaru Hichijo version(Hasegawa 1/48)
The iconic Japanese TV series Macross,...The kit, simply is excellent, detail enough good , nice union and fantastic decals, I gave to myself some freedoms in her, make the missiles AMM-1 completely scratch, mount them in base of the set hasegawa D (TER) and GBU 24 Paveway III bombs with decals of the UN.Spacy ... has also deck crew of the set hasegawa Us Navy ... possesses a slight weathering in panels, the deck is completely scratch and the coincide with the CVS 101 Prometheus, the aircraft carrier Flagship of fleet the Pacific Ocean.
Very imaginative. I like your 'take' on this subject.
ha ha ha, Thanks Rob..Regards.
It sorta reminds of a "conglomerate" of US fighters...take a little F-18, throw in a pinch of F-15 and a dash of F-14 (add a smidgen of Mig-23 for good measure)...shake well and viola - here's the result. LOL
Not really Craig, the model this one entirely based on the F-14 Tomcat, the series is of 1982, the designer Shoji Kawamori said it once in an interview.
Nice work on it, and a fun setting.
Thanks Greg
Hey wait! This is Rick Hunter's Veritech! (I watched the show as "Robotech" so the names differ.) I have this kit as well (but really want Roy Fokker's VF-S!). I'm so glad Hasegawa decided to do one in 1/48 (I have a couple of 1/72 versions.) Nice to see it build up so I can see what the end result will be. I think the decals are in the kit to do Max and Myria's (Millia's) blue and red VF-1Js. The kit IS very detailed and you've done a nice job with it. Do you have any more in the works? (Or know if Hasegawa intends to release all versions and maybe a Zentraedi Battle Pod? Thanks much for bringing some (excellent IMHO) sci-fi to the headline page!
Hello Josh, Thanks for you words, I prefer the original Japanese version ...I dont now hasegawa will launch some another kit of this series, probably yes, because already there are available the different versions of the SDF-1, regards.
This looks great! nice work on the deck too.
Maybe the navy should by this instead of the f-35 ,ha ha.
Truth, Donald Trump is going to stop the production, jajaja
I love this sort of thing! Nice diorama Anthony, it looks great,
I needed to make this model, this is of my favorite anime series.
Very nicely done. I'm not familiar with the series these come from but they look like aircraft I "designed" when I was a young dreamer! Ha! (If only I could have made some of those designs real - perhaps I should have consulted Kelly Johnston for tips!) LoL!
Nicely done, Anthony!
Thank you Mr Jeffry...regards...