Academy B-17F "Shamrock Special"
Hey guys, here's my try at Academy Fortress. Almost OOB, with exception of QB gun barrels and scratchbuilt landing lights. Markings are from Revell, since i always wanted to do "Shamrock", with it's replacement tail, it makes otherwise dull overall Olive Drab looks interesting. I preshaded the model with Gunze Tire black, and then gradually painted OD in about a dozen thin layers. I used Gunze OD and faded OD, and repainting of markings is done with MM OD. Wash is Tamiya, weathering done with Tamiya Smoke + Tamiya D set. Sligh chipping is done using artist silver pencil. Comments are welcome, thanks for looking!
Igor, great job on the B-17. I like that you picked one that had a real big part replaced due to battle damage. Mr. Boeing made a tough airplane, and this one went on, regardless. That was a lot more common that is realised, wings, horizontal stabs. Eventually there were unused brand new aircraft sitting around, as the urgent need had passed. And there were fewer valuable targets.
A good example of the tough times in the 8th U S Army Air Forces. Not a lot of glamour, just hard deadly work up high in subzero temperatures, while bad guys try to kill you in a number of ways.
They deserve to be remembered, I suspect that's why we do what we do.
Great looking build !
Excellent rendition of the fabled fortress, of the best I've seen.
Great work !
Igor, Very good looking B-17, great depiction of this hard working war horse !
I really like what you did here.
Thanks guys for the kind words, I've got more 1/72 heavies incoming. Matchbox Halifax is finished, I'll post pics in the next couple of days, Matchbox Privateer is ready for paint, and Matchbox B-17G is rescribed. As you can see, i have a soft spot for Matchbox kits.
Good looking model Igor, nicely done.
Fantastic work Sir ! Well done.
You achieved a very varied but subtle OD finish and the replacement tail certainly adds some extra interest.
Great work on the Fort!
Excellent finish! Nice subtle shading and weathering. Very nice!
Very nice work on that B-17 Igor ... very nice. That different shade to the tail section due to the repairs really give it a very peculiar touch, very well done.
Excellent Fort, Igor! I love the pretty lady added to the vertical stabilizer. I've never seen one like that. I wonder why the crew only put it on the starboard side, and not the port side. Hmmm ... Well done!
I love bleached olive drab!
Great job!
Nice work