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Tom Rodgers
35 articles

Heinz Bär’s Red 23 in 1/48 scale

February 5, 2017 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.7K

This was the aircraft he was flying when he made his 200th kill on 22 Apr 1944, a B-24 named Flak Magnet. This Fw190 A7 was his backup plane as his main mount at the time, was usually Red 13.

This kit is from the mid 90's and is a remake of their 1969 kit (ie, copyright mark on the inside of the bottom wing). For the 60's, it was one of the best and most accurate plastic kits around. By today's standard though, it left some things to be desired. I spent about half the build time “engineering” and crafting the wheel wells and wing cannon breeches, as they were just holes cut out in the bottom wing structure. Being an old kit, all panel lines and rivets were raised and needless to say, the decals were a bit brittle. Still, this is a nice kit and went together well with only a little putty needed on bottom of the wing/fuselage joint.

It was finished with Vallejo Air and Tamiya paints and decals over Future. I used the brittle kit decals (which actually helped with the weathering) and the spinner spiral and stencils from a Microscale Fw190 sheet. Weathering was a simple light wash, followed by pastels, and detail highlights with colored pencils. This is my fifth build since returning to the hobby after a 35 year layoff. Next up, Erich Hartmann's Bf109 G-14, using a 70's Fujimi kit I've had for years with a little kit bashing from spare parts from my Eduard Bf 109F Royal Combo kit.


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12 responses

  1. Tom, the problem with the kit was that it's an A-4 or 5, and some of the "options" they gave you with it weren't applicable. Nice additions to the spares box, though. Even tropical filters.
    Microscale actually had a decal sheet for it, it's so early it is double digits.
    There was not lot of information available, so we didn't care. Compared to the Aurora, it was a revelation. Seperate pilot, rudimentary cockpit, multiple schemes. Great stuff.

    • I remember thinking this kit was amazing. I'm pretty sure though that it is originally earlier than 1969. I think it was the first "detailed" 1/48 kit release after the Spitfire IX, Zero, Bf-109E and Hurricane, so around 1963-64 originally.

  2. Tom fantastic looking Focke Wulf !


  3. Nicely done, sir...great looking build.

  4. Nice build Tom. I did not know you enjoyed modeling as well. I am returning after many years as well. My passion is ships and hope to start soon on the 50 or so I acquired in Japan in the late 70s.

  5. Great looking build Tom!

  6. Beautiful job, and welcome.

  7. Nice details and finish bring this old kit to life.

  8. Great job, Tom. I see you didn't forget anything in those 35+ years you were away from modeling!

  9. This is gorgeous! Beautifully done

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