I see you like ships! Those carriers are awesome, Anthony! Music, too. Better keep you cats (that make your house a home) out of this room, though - at least until it (they) understand NOT to jump up on things! Very nice. I agree with Craig - now you need to "dirty it up" some. Gives it that "lived-in and loved" look!
I like very much the ships, the aircraft carriers are in process of improvements with sets of photoetch... my cat is calm, she does not jump on the models.
The time will dirty the place, thanks and regards.
Nice setup...now ya gotta "dirty it up" and make it UN-organized so it LOOKS like a 'work bench'. LOL
And thank you also for your words. Craig.
I see you like ships! Those carriers are awesome, Anthony! Music, too. Better keep you cats (that make your house a home) out of this room, though - at least until it (they) understand NOT to jump up on things! Very nice. I agree with Craig - now you need to "dirty it up" some. Gives it that "lived-in and loved" look!
I like very much the ships, the aircraft carriers are in process of improvements with sets of photoetch... my cat is calm, she does not jump on the models.
The time will dirty the place, thanks and regards.
Looks neat, what's going to be the first model to be completed off this nice new bench?
I don't know, maybe a Super valkyrie 1/48 Hasegawa of the Macross tv serie, or maybe the Heavy Cruiser Uss Indianapolis from Trumpeter 1/350.
Looks like a great space for inspiration! Looking forward to seeing what comes out of it...
Thank you, I hope many models do in the following next years...
Well you got yourself a new bench.
Looks like its time for some serious modelling .
yeah, I hope so...thank you.
I'm envious, looks nice, is that the old Saratoga in photo 1 ?
Thanks Roberts, ...No, the model is USS Lexington 1/350 from Trumpeter, regards.
I like it! It's important to have such an "escape capsule" as a modeler. Good luck with it and happy modelling Anthony!
Thank you very mucho Michel..
Love to see others work areas. Mine is buried under paint bottles and tools
Thanks George...