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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Captured French Armoured Carrier UE

May 9, 2017 · in Armor · · 13 · 2.8K

This is the French Armoured Carrier UE and German Pak 37.

I was looking at some random tank pictures and stumbled over one of a captured French Armoured Carrier UE with a Pak 37 mounted on it. I was very interested in this and on looking further I came across a number of photos of different carriers mounted with the Pak 37, it appears this was a common use for these captured vehicles, I guess mobile artillery doesn't get much more mobile than this.

I really like stuff that is just a bit different so that was me, I had to make one. It was a very simple build but I think it has a very interesting look.

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5  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Very nice work Carl ! I like it. This is the first one that I have ever seen...

  2. Thanks Louis, Google is a pain, I keep stumbling over pictures of unusual stuff that end up being my next project

  3. Nice little build, my friend...first one I've seen as well. 🙂

  4. Excellent! I like the "oddballs" too.

  5. Great subject!

  6. Thanks for sharing, Carl. I realize that actually a sofa (?) is quite a good idea for a photo background.

  7. This is a good example of what we model guys do, Very good and interesting build, Carl.
    Is it just me, or does any one else think that this would be fun to drive to the store ?

  8. Good use of two nice kits makes for an unusual model. I hope that driver ducks when the gun is fired!

  9. Carl, interesting subject(s). I'll bet keeping up their captured motor pool was a logistical nightmare. I forget how many different makes of truck they had, but it was a bunch.

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