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Scott Nelson
134 articles

I like Stugs!

June 20, 2017 · in Armor · · 17 · 2.4K

It's been a while but, here's my latest build, the III. I included a bunch of in progress pics to show my process on armor. Hope you like it!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

35 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Scott, that is a really good looking Stug, at first I thought it was 1/35th. Nicely painted and weathered, too. Tamiya does some good armor and softskins kits in 48th, useful in dioramas with aircraft, don't take up as much room as 35th, if space is an issue.

  2. Love your progress shots - AND the end result(s)...nice work! 🙂

  3. I echo what has been said above. I too thought it was a 1/35th scale build. The end results are fabulous. I too like Stugs ! I have one almost done on the work bench and a few more to build in the stash...

    I really like this one Scott.

  4. Exellent build Scott and interesting scale. I won t tell my wife about 1/48 armor takink less space though otherwise I might have to dump my stash in 1:35. 😛

  5. You have created a very nice build Scott,Tamiya has gone into the 1/48 scale in a big way there are some fine kits,you have done this one proud,it's good to see this scale represented and as Michel said if this size was around more when i started I would have a lot more room on my shelves.I enjoyed the pics.Thanks

    • Thanks Jim. I'm glad Tamiya has pushed other manufacturers to do 1/48 armor too. I have a Korean War Sherman from Hobby Boss that looks like a nice kit waiting...

  6. I like Stugs, too. I recently saw a video of one that had been found in a swamp area in Ukraine or somewhere. They winched it out of the mud, hosed it down and towed it away. The treads worked perfectly and the paintwork was pristine.

  7. Scott, a really nice build, "yes", I like it a lot ! Its one of those models I'll return too a few more times to view.

  8. Great looking model! Well done.

  9. On mean looking machine. Great work!

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