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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Who Doesn't Have a Spitfire Collection?

July 5, 2017 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2K

Hot off the workbench is my version of the Mk. Vb in the markings of 243 squadron. As usual for a Tamiya kit, it went together with no problems. The decals of the code letters have soft edges to my eye. That would be my only gripe. I used Tamiya acrylic paints XF-81, 82 and 83 for the camouflage scheme. I usually don't like airbrushing acrylics as it's so dry here in the summer that the paint is difficult for me to control. However, since I can thin Tamiya acrylics with lacquer thinner I gave them a try. I have to say I very much like the look of these colors on the model.

Anyway, This makes my fifth kit done for the year so I'm a little behind my schedule. Time to catch up by doing another modern sub kit!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Looks pretty nice to MY eyes...especially in that "small" scale. Good work. 🙂

  2. Very nice to my eyes too ! I agree with Craig.

  3. Always nice to see the 1/72 scale and such an iconic plane,along with a super build,Thanks

  4. Always good to see a Spitty. Great job, and you are right, the colours are great.

  5. Scott, its a Spitfire and in 1/72 scale, a popular choice among this group, especially being its done well. I like it, a wonderful build here !

  6. I do ! nicely done Scott, looks good.

  7. Always nice to see Scott.

  8. Very nice Spit! I haven't built a Tamiya kit yet (several in the stash) but the one consistent negative comment I hear is about their decals, so I've pretty much already determined to replace them with AM sets.

  9. I don't have a Spitfire collection. Not even a single Spitfire.
    Nice neat looking model you built, by the way, Scott:-)

  10. Another great job Scott!

  11. I don't even have one in my "to be built" stash. I have a Hurricane, though--my sentimental preference. After I do that and my Mossie, I'll get a Seafire, I think.

    Nice work, btw!

  12. Profile Photo
    P.k said on July 7, 2017

    dozen In my showcase

  13. Well, I don't, when I got back into this hobby I vowed never to have a Spitfire, Hurricane, ME109 or FW190... doesn't mean I don't like them though, and your Tamiya build looks great.

  14. Beautiful, Scott! A good collection MUST have a Spitfire of one type or another. In my opinion, of course.

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