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mark poulton
22 articles

Zvezda Boeing 737-800

August 27, 2017 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.9K

Though not contributed for quite a while have been modelling away.

Just finished 's Boeing -800 which went together very well. Straightforward build and very impressed by how good Zvezda's kits are moulded and packaged.

Decided not to use the kits UT Air livery and instead went for an alternative livery from Lima November decals. Not quiet a perfect fit, as I discovered too late! But can live with it as airliners a new venture for me. Practice will make perfect hopefully and next one be better.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Looks great Mark !

  2. Finished out nicely! Great job.

  3. Looks pretty darn good from here, Mark... 🙂

  4. Sharp. I can't wait to get one of those. Hopefully they'll do a 757 too.

  5. Looks great, Mark. Looks ready to taxi out & take off!

  6. Where's my boarding pass? Nice job! Looks good in SAS livery.

  7. Well done, Mark. Where did you purchase the kit? I'm hopeful Spru Bros. will offer it soon.


  8. Many thanks for all the appreciative comments.

    Bob I got mine through visiting a real live model shop! Though few and far between these days, I still love to visit such shops, just in case I spy something I want, but did not know that I did!

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