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Julian Shawyer
34 articles

Porco Rosso

September 23, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 24 · 3K

This is the Savoia S21 Seaplane from the 1992 Japanese Animated Adventure Film .
The film was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story is based on an Italian World War I ex-fighter ace, Porco Rosso, now living as a freelance bounty hunter chasing air pirates in the Adriatic Sea. After being cursed, he was transformed into an anthropomorphic pig.

Below is a link to Wikipedia.

The kit is by FineMolds and is in 1/48th scale. The seaplane and trolley were painted with Tamiya Acrylics. The panel lines on the seaplane are black gouache, and the beaching trolley was grained using a brown gouache.

The figure is not the same scale as the seaplane (1/48th), being nearer 1/35th scale.
He was painted the same as the rest of the model.

I've included a couple of photos showing the internal detail, which includes the guns and fuel tank.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. Actually have seen this film with my grandsons a couple of years ago.

  2. I bought the movie on DVD, too. Like in many Miyazaki's films the story is a bit quirky but the visuals are simply beautiful. That hypothetical Savoia looks every bit like a plane that could have flown (in a Schneider trophy?), and modeling it is definitely on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing - your work is a good inspiration and does justice to the original 🙂

    • Thank you very much Martin, that's kind of you to say. It's a beautiful little kit which goes together really well with no filler required. I built it in sections (I have a photo I could post should you wish to see one), then glued it together with PVA glue the fit was so good. I have the Curtiss from the same film waiting to be built. ?

  3. 'Non flying pig is just a pig' simply nice shaped sea plane. how lucky that Hayao is going mad for aircraft and produce many great movie of that

  4. Well, now...THERE'S something different. 🙂

  5. I am SOOOO disappointed.

    What? I hear you ask, Julian? I think the floatplane looks awesome and I was disappointed to find out it's imaginary!

    Seriously, I would say this imaginary Italian aircraft model is Magnifico!

    • PS - I doubt the figure of Porco himself could ever fit in that cockpit, but what do I know ... this is the first time I've heard of this. Now I have to find and watch the movie!


      • Hello Jeffry, I think it was based on a real aircraft.
        Porco is way oversize, but it did come with a pilot figure of him that fitted the cockpit. Let me know if you enjoy the film.

  6. That is unusual, but looks like something that'd be around at that time. I saw the film, and enjoyed it. Neat little model!

  7. This is really nice! and as said above, something different.

  8. A fun little project, nicely executed!

  9. I really enjoyed this animated movie (IMO one of the best Miyazaki's creations) and I must admit that your model is an excellent representation of the fictitious Savoia S21 - even the internal detail follows the Miyazaki style!

    I guess the difficulty (and fun!) with this kit was in making its look cartoonish instead of realistic... 🙂

  10. It brings back memories of the movie a very beautiful piece.


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