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Paul Carpenter
13 articles

Wingnut WingsRE-8 Australian Flying Corps

September 17, 2017 · in Aviation · · 21 · 2.4K

Hello again,
This is one of my older builds. I was really keen to build this model and it was my first attempt at aWingnut Wings kit.
Rigged with EZ line - I was a bit dubious (and still am) about how long this stuff would last before it started to perish. I built it when the kit first came out - and the EZ Line is still holding up. I used a few judicious pieces of monofilament nylon to give the whole thing some rigidity - otherwise it would wobble all over the place.
Turnbarrels are 0.4mm brass tube.
It was nice to build an AFC model out of the box - so the decals are 3SQN Aust. Flying Corps as provided.
The lewis gun barrel was replaced with a hypodermic needle. Overall it is painted in Vallejo Acrylics and Humbrol metallics.
The exhaust stack braces were replaced with brass wire - the plastic ones in the kit just weren't up to the job!

Propeller is Burnt Sienna artist's oil over a light tan base. I whould probably go back to this one and paint in the propeller laminations. But there are so many models to build and so little time!
At least this aircraft is a two seater so you can see so much more of the interior.

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6  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚
    Very skilled work Paul , the colors make it all pop, it looks so real.
    Thank you for sharing these pictures.

  2. superb finish,
    I keep fancying making a Wingnut kit and seeing your model has more than wetted my appetite.
    Great work and thanks for sharing

  3. Superb Paul

    Wingnut Wing are marvellous kits and with good modeler the result is perfect.
    Good job,

  4. Thanks Eric. Yes the WnW kits are a real treat for us WW1 modellers.

  5. Simply outstanding work Paul. A pleasure to view.

  6. If you would have take pics with a grass and trees behind, I believe it would have been difficult to understand it ' s a model! Great job, congratualations.

  7. Those WNW kits certainly build up into great models (as is obvious right here). Nice work indeed, sir.

  8. How far a scale model can achive!

  9. Paul, This is simply "Beautiful" !. Well done !

  10. Great job and great model, I finally after almost 8 months I got a Bristol F.2b Fighter, this will be my next project.


  11. Good looking build.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! Exceptionally real, Paul!

  13. A real beauty of a model, and one of the most awkward aircraft I've ever laid eyes on! That massive propeller and those upraised exhausts - wow! Looks like a 16-year-old decided to soup up his Chevy Vega!

  14. Not much to add - it is beautiful. Just that great photography is a two-edged sword - it'll show up every stray fibre and tiny overspray! You've done a great job here on both counts, modelling and photography, so the build must be pretty much perfect!

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