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Allan J Withers
199 articles

Lockheed EC 121 Warning Star, 135756, USN Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu California 1961.

October 28, 2017 · in Aviation · · 33 · 3K

, almost OOB, I added some piano wire axels to the main undercarriage, finished in MM enamels with Future over kit and other decals, built 2006 to 2009.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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33 responses

  1. Allan, This looks great, a very attractive airplane with a very attractive paint scheme. This is a beauty !

  2. Very smart indeed, Allan. I still think that a "Year of the Kangaroo" group build has possibilities...

  3. Damn, that looks nice Allan. Love that paint scheme, really shows off a Connie.

  4. Really nice work Allan,well done.

  5. Yep...I agree - that right there looks pretty nice, Allan. I like it.

  6. Superb paint work.

  7. Allan, great scheme for the early warning Connie. Jazzes up that overall seaplane gray. I'm really beginning to like Navair utility aircraft.

  8. Beautiful aircraft, beautiful build!

  9. Hello Allan,
    What a beautiful aircraft. As mentioned above, superb paint job.
    This model could be displayed in a museum.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  10. Never knew this paint scheme! it's one of the best color of constellation I think. and what a wonderful finish you did! I wonder how you apply future for finish step. I tried several time just dipping whole model in it but it went bad with crack overall.

    • Thanks Hongseob, I airbrush Future thinned with around 70% methylated spirits, even so I have had cracking at times, I think it needs applying in several light coats allowing to dry in between to avoid cracking, but I am not that patient.

  11. Nice bird in a nice dress.Great painting job.

  12. Constellation is one of the most beautiful plane. This paint scheme is crème de la crème and so is the finishing.

  13. Wow - something from Allan without Kangaroos in the roundels! Very nice looking Connie.

  14. Beautiful Connie, Allan! Take off the big radar dome fin and you have - in MY opinion - the prettiest multi-engine passenger aircraft ever made. I've flown round trip from New York to Rio de Janiero on Varig airlines Super G Constellations and it was a real thrill!

    And just think, the Connie shares the (nearly) exact wing (shape) as the P-38, also a beautiful ... and unique - aircraft from the same era. Those Lockheed folks can sure make great aircraft! And you have made a real beauty in a VERY interesting paint scheme.

  15. Beautifully presented, good work, I like it

  16. I thought it was the Heller kit! What nice little model and beautifully built!

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