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Julian Shawyer
34 articles

The Flying Tank

October 8, 2017 · in Aviation · · 34 · 2.2K

This is the 1/48th Ilyushin Sturmovik

It's built straight from the box. The only addition was the pilots seat harness. All the paints used were Tamiya acrylics. The wing joint was so good, I painted the fuselage and wings completely before gluing them together.

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9  Awesome

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34 responses

  1. Uau, that’s precise moulding engineer for ya!
    Jolly good model Julian, love the paint work perfectly made

  2. Nice build, can't go wrong with Tamiya...ugly airplane IMO, though...:)

  3. Looks good, Julian. Revell have just released a new kit of this, also in 1/48.

  4. Great work on the beast.

  5. Great to see this plane being built - 'as essential to the Red Army as bread and air' according to Stalin! And a cracking job you have made of it! It must have been scary to see the sky full of these monsters!

  6. I like the model and the painting is excellent. One niggle, the lighting could be brighter to better show the eye candy. I've done the same in the past.

  7. Excellent work, Julian!

  8. It might maybe a typical Tamiya quality kit but your finish has lifted it to a high standard. Anyway, I think it's an attractive looking plane in a similar way to the Boulton Paul Defiant, so there.

  9. Julian, a really nice build here. excellent looking paint work and finish, Well done !

  10. Very nice - you did a great job on monster-looking aircraft!

  11. Only a mother (or a modeler) could love an ugly s****r like the flying tank! But you make it look pretty, Julian, if that were possible.

  12. A stunning kit built to perfection. Well done!

  13. Nicely done Julian. I have the Accurate Miniatures version but it stalled out

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