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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 Tamiya F4D Skyray VF-74

January 27, 2018 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.3K

First build for 2018. I would have had on e finished back in December of 2017 but it was scraped back to some major issues i had. This is OOB except for the Furball decals. Model finished with Tamiya paints and Mig washes . Hope you all enjoy šŸ™‚

26908058_10213910956860936_5947198159886782993_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27459651_10213910957380949_8245957449189995373_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27459258_10213910958540978_8025339033134449872_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27459233_10213910957100942_146773207233273823_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27336203_10213910958580979_4723991762330785232_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27072827_10213910955940913_5928645061887839942_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27067271_10213910956900937_1952365870938285756_n by b007scott, on Flickr

27067271_10213910956900937_1952365870938285756_n by b007scott, on Flickr

26993573_10213910955700907_7495241617574494819_n by b007scott, on Flickr

26992741_10213910959140993_1641839130188951409_n by b007scott, on Flickr

26992667_10213910957980964_3289199037054629787_n by b007scott, on Flickr

26992615_10213910958820985_6318452805662407238_n by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

16 responses

  1. Looks great Brian... Two thumbs up Sir !

  2. Another example of why ya can't go wrong when it says Tamiya on the box...beautiful build, sir.

  3. Hi Brian, while I don't disagree with Craig's comment above, it still takes a lot of skill to build them to this kind of level, I think your neat work has really brought out the best of this kit.

  4. Nice looking "Ford"!

  5. Very nice Brian. I like the look. Great job.

  6. The FORD is one of my favourite US Navy jets. Come to think of it all US Navy jets are my favourites. Albeit, you did an amazing job on this kit. The striking decals rounds it off nicely! Well done!

  7. Love the Skyray - there's not a "bad angle" on that airplane. Your model is superb.

  8. Nicely done Brian, that Skyray really looks sharp. It's a winner for sure in any contest.

  9. Nice job. Iā€™m ashamed to admit that mine has been in the deep storage section of the stash since I bought it 20byears ago. Inspiration!

  10. Looks like a box top/Goldilocks build that any manufacture would love to have on the side of their box. Two thumbs up.

  11. A beautiful aircraft an this is a terrific representation; the build is gorgeous, tight, clean, and 'feels' real. Loved your Skyraider and this is every bit as impressive.

  12. Always a favorite, beautifully done!

  13. VERY well done, Brian. Great photos, too!

  14. Excellent build Brian!

  15. Outstanding work, Brian! I have two Ford's in the stash and hope mine turn out as beautifully as your build. Well done, sir!

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