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Julian Shawyer
34 articles

Banff Strike Wing Mosquito.

January 3, 2018 · in Aviation · · 33 · 3.1K

This is the 1/48th scale FB Mk.VI . I made both the FB Mk VI, and the B Mk IV when they were first released. The FB Mk VI was released way back in 1998. It is painted with Aeromaster acrylic. The decals are from Aeromaster Set 48-426 Mosquito Raiders Part 11. 248 Squadron, Banff Strike Wing. The starboard fuselage roundel has lifted a bit, and a crack has appeared around a panel underneath the fuselage. I had not discovered weathering at this stage, so no panel lines or exhaust stains have been applied.

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12  Awesome

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33 responses

  1. Very clean looking build, sir - and nicely done.

  2. Excellent build...I really like it.

  3. I think it has held up rather well... Still looks great to me. I like it too !

  4. Nice clean build! Most of the stuff in my cabinet was built before I "discovered" weathering!

  5. very nicely built, I like it.

  6. Great Mosquito! Got to get in touch with my roots and build a British aircraft.

  7. Beautifully done, Julian! You can't go wrong with a Mossie. It's probably my #2 or #3 favorite aircraft of all time & yours is great! I would LOVE to see one in person, especially one of the remaining few that still fly!

    • Nothing wrong with a clean airplane. They ARE new once, after all! I know I kept my tanks as clean as possible when I had one.

      • Hello Jeff, thank you. It's a beautiful aircraft and, like you, one of my all time favourites along with the Dakota.

        • Dakota is also one of my favourites. My Mom was Stewardess on (former) Lake Central Airlines, which is now a part of US Air. When she was there, their fleet was all DC-3s and (former) C-47s. She loved that plane. MY first ride on a plane was on a DC-3.

          I love the Dakota!

  8. Sparkling build.

  9. That is one nice looking Mossie Julian

  10. If you don't mind me saying, Julian, I'm sorta glad you hadn't discovered weathering. Somethings these birds look just right pristine. After all, at some point they were that way! I love the Mossie and what you've done with it.

  11. I just built the Glass nose as a Christmas gift for Grandpa. Was a very nice kit to build. I think they are the same kit except for the nose. Yours looks pretty good to me.

    • Thank you Aaron. Yes, your correct. it's the same kit apart from the nose. I've also built the same version as you. My Grandfather was a carpenter who helped build a small number of Mosquitos.

  12. Now that's a really cool bit of family history with aviation history... a carpenter and he built Mosquitoes !

    I had a distant family member installing carburetors on F4U Corsair engines... a few more worked at Bell aircraft and one at Curtiss in Buffalo NY.

  13. Profile Photo
    said on January 4, 2018

    I like your mossie. I also like them clean. If I weather at all its lightly.

  14. Like the others have said, a very nice clean build of an iconic aircraft. I think I read somewhere recently that the tail fin (upright stabiliser?) is too big on these Tamiya models, but it looks OK to me.

  15. Nice work, Julian. I like these maritime strike Mosquitos best.

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