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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Tamiya 1/48 Pz.IIIN (Afrika korps, 1943)

January 5, 2018 · in Armor · · 24 · 3.4K

Happy New Year, colleagues! I open this year model of the German tank Pz.IIIN. I started it last year, I collected it in a couple of days, and everything stopped at the stage of painting. And now bravely put aside salads and booze and finished the model! Than I am very proud! ))
Enjoy your viewing!

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Looks great Maxim - lovely weathering and finish.

  2. VERY nice, Maxim. You wouldn't know it's in 1/48th scale - the detail looks as if it were bigger.

    Well done!

  3. Excellend build Maxim! Is on my list as well so it's a great example for me, thanks for sharing!

  4. Maxim, as far as modeling goes this is a Tankers delight. A Goldilocks build, nothing short of professional with the right amount of everything stirred but, not shaken.. The right amount of dirt,rust and dust. Everything is in view and not hidden by too much mud or crud. A candidate for model of the month in my book. You don't see 1/48th scale tanks too often done like this. Two thumbs up.

  5. Exemplary work, Maxim...definitely looks "the part" - I like it.

  6. Excellent look


  7. Excellent DAK panzer, impressive finish it looks real, even more considering the scale.
    Since I only build wingy things may I ask how you achieve such realistic tracks?

  8. Profile Photo
    said on January 5, 2018

    Very nice work Maxim.

  9. You have every right to be proud Maxim - a great, realistic finish! Just excellent detail and weathering work.

  10. Maxim, really wonderful work. Nicely done !

  11. This is a very good looking Panzer ! You captured the look rather well. I like everything about it. Amazing details on a smaller 1/48 build. It has stuff that you normally don't see on the larger 1/35 cousins. I Like it ! A lot ...

  12. Very Very Nice...

  13. The finish on this 1/48 scale model is great, it looks very convincing.

  14. Excellent work! Nice subject and outstanding paint work! I am a builder of WWII armour, particularly German and Russian AFVs. Really like the way you brought out the chipping and showing the base coat underneath the dark yellow. Keep them coming!

  15. Thank you colleague for your so flattering comments ! )
    There are a couple more Germans in reserve). Will do.

  16. maxim, this is simply tremendous and fits in with the record you have of attention to detail and incredible weathering!

  17. Definitely a contender for model of the month! The weathering and paintjob looks very realistic! Well done!

  18. Really excellent work! I like everything about it.

  19. Absolutely a great job. Well done.

  20. Amazing build! I think the above comments say it all!

  21. Extremely well built Maxim, a pleasure to view.

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